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constructor(size: Size = DEFAULT_SIZE, cache: Boolean = false)


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object Companion


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Returns a list of all the non-null values of this and the descendants

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Shortcut for adjusting the multiplicative alpha value manually. Equivalent to ColorTransform.mA + View.invalidate

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Returns the number of ancestors of this view. Views without parents return 0.

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Returns a list of all the ancestors (including this) to reach the root node (usually the stage).

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open val anchorDispX: Float
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open val anchorDispY: Float
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The BlendMode used for this view BlendMode.INHERIT will use the ancestors blendModes

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open override val bview: View
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open override val bviewAll: List<View>
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Indicates if we are going to render this container into a texture, and reuse its content in following frames.

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A collection with all the children Views.

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The multiplicative RGBA color.

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Recursively retrieves the top ancestor in the container hierarchy.

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open var enabled: Boolean
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open override var extra: ExtraType
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An optional Filter attached to this view. Filters allow to render this view to a texture, and to control how to render that texture (using shaders, repeating the texture, etc.). You add multiple filters by creating a composite filter ComposedFilter.

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Usually a value between 0.0, 1.0

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Returns the first child of this container or null when the container doesn't have children

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Returns the global bounds of this object. Note this incurs in allocations. Use getGlobalBounds (out) to avoid it

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Global transform Matrix. Matrix that concatenates all the affine transforms of this view and its ancestors.

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The inverted version of the globalMatrix

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Computed speed combining all the speeds from ancestors

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Changes the height of this view. Generically, this means adjusting the scaleY of the view to match that size using the current bounds, but some views might override this to adjust its internal width or height (like SolidRect or UIView for example).

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open var hitShape: VectorPath?
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open override var hitShape2d: Shape2D
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var index: Int

The index the child has in its parent

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Indicates if this class is a container or not. This is only overridden by Container. This check is performed like this, to avoid type checks. That might be an expensive operation in some targets.

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Returns the last child of this container or null when the container doesn't have children

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Local transform MMatrix. If you plan to change its components manually instead of setting it directly, you should call the View.invalidate method.

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var View.mask: View?
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Determines if mouse events will be handled for this view and its children

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var name: String?

Optional name of this view

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Returns the number of children this container has

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Parent Container of this View if any, or null

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var pos: Point
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Indicates if this view is going to propagate the events that reach this node to its children

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Recursively retrieves the ancestor in the container hierarchy that is a View.Reference like the stage or null when can't be found.

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The concatenated/global version of the local alpha

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The concatenated/global version of the local alpha

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The actual blendMode of the view after computing the ancestors and reaching a view with a non BlendMode.INHERIT.

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The concatenated/global version of the local colorMul

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val root: View

The ancestor view without parents. When attached (visible or invisible), this is the Stage. When no parents, it is this

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Local rotation of this view

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Local scaling in the X axis of this view

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Local scaling in the Y axis of this view

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var size: Size
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Local skewing in the X axis of this view

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Local skewing in the Y axis of this view

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Ratio speed of this node, affecting all the View.addUpdater

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open val stage: Stage?

When included in the tree, this returns the stage. When not attached yet, this will return null.

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var tint: RGBA

Alias for colorMul to make this familiar to people coming from other engines.

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open override var unscaledSize: Size
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open var visible: Boolean

Determines if the view will be displayed or not. It is different to alpha=0, since the render method won't be executed. Usually giving better performance. But also not receiving events.

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Changes the width of this view. Generically, this means adjusting the scaleX of the view to match that size using the current bounds, but some views might override this to adjust its internal width or height (like SolidRect or UIView for example).

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Returns the global bounds of this object. Note this incurs in allocations. Use getGlobalBounds (out) to avoid it

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var x: Double

Local X position of this view

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var y: Double

Local Y position of this view

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Like setTransform but without invalidation. If used at all, should be used with care and invalidate when required.

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fun addChild(view: View)

Adds a child View to the container.

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fun addChildAt(view: View, index: Int)

Adds the view as a child at a specific index.

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fun addChildren(views: List<View?>?)
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fun View?.allDescendants(out: ArrayList<View> = arrayListOf()): List<View>
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fun View?.ancestorsUpTo(target: View?): List<View>

Returns a list of all the ancestors including this in order to reach from this view to the target view, or a list of all the ancestors in the case target is not an ancestor.

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suspend fun View.animate(defaultTime: TimeSpan = Animator.DEFAULT_TIME, defaultSpeed: Double = Animator.DEFAULT_SPEED, defaultEasing: Easing = Animator.DEFAULT_EASING, parallel: Boolean = false, looped: Boolean = false, completeOnCancel: Boolean = false, startImmediately: Boolean = Animator.DEFAULT_START_IMMEDIATELY, block: Animator.() -> Unit = {}): Animator
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fun View.animator(defaultTime: TimeSpan = Animator.DEFAULT_TIME, defaultSpeed: Double = Animator.DEFAULT_SPEED, defaultEasing: Easing = Animator.DEFAULT_EASING, parallel: Boolean = false, looped: Boolean = false, startImmediately: Boolean = Animator.DEFAULT_START_IMMEDIATELY, block: Animator.() -> Unit = {}): Animator
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inline fun <T : View> Container.append(view: T): T
inline fun <T : View> Container.append(view: T, block: T.() -> Unit): T
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inline fun BView.bviewFastForEach(block: (view: View) -> Unit)
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inline fun Container.cachedContainer(cache: Boolean = true, callback: CachedContainer.() -> Unit = {}): CachedContainer
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inline fun Camera.() -> Unit = {}): Camera

Creates a new Camera and attaches to this. The callback argument is called with the Camera injected as this to be able to configure the camera.

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inline fun Container.cameraContainer(size: Size, clip: Boolean = true, noinline contentBuilder: (camera: CameraContainer) -> Container = { FixedSizeContainer(it.size) }, noinline block: CameraContainer.() -> Unit = {}, content: Container.() -> Unit = {}): CameraContainer
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inline fun Number = 16.0, fill: Paint = Colors.WHITE, stroke: Paint = Colors.WHITE, strokeThickness: Number = 0.0, autoScaling: Boolean = true, renderer: GraphicsRenderer = GraphicsRenderer.GPU, callback: Circle.() -> Unit = {}): Circle

Creates a Circle of radius and fill. The autoScaling determines if the underlying texture will be updated when the hierarchy is scaled. The callback allows to configure the Circle instance.

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fun <T : BEvent> clearEvents(type: EventType<T>)
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inline fun Container.clipContainer(size: Size, callback: ClipContainer.() -> Unit = {}): ClipContainer
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open override fun clone(): View

Performs a deep copy of the container, by copying all the child Views.

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fun View?.commonAncestor(ancestor: View?): View?
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inline fun Container.container(cull: Boolean = false, callback: Container.() -> Unit = {}): Container

Creates a new Container, allowing to configure with callback, and attaches the newly created container to the receiver this Container

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fun View.convertToSpace(srcPoint: Point, dst: View): Point
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open fun copyPropsFrom(source: View)

Allows to copy the basic properties (transform localMatrix, visible, colorMul, speed, name...) from source into this

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inline fun Container.cpuGraphics(autoScaling: Boolean = false, callback: ShapeBuilder.(CpuGraphics) -> Unit = {}): CpuGraphics
inline fun Container.cpuGraphics(shape: Shape, antialiased: Boolean = true, callback: CpuGraphics.() -> Unit = {}): CpuGraphics
inline fun Container.cpuGraphics(build: ShapeBuilder.() -> Unit, antialiased: Boolean = true, callback: CpuGraphics.() -> Unit = {}): CpuGraphics
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inline fun Container.debugVertexView(pointsList: List<DoubleVectorList> = listOf(), color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE, type: AGDrawType = AGDrawType.TRIANGLE_STRIP, callback: DebugVertexView.() -> Unit = {}): DebugVertexView
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suspend fun View.delay(time: TimeSpan)
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suspend fun View.delayFrame()
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inline fun <T> View?.descendantsOfType(): List<T>
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fun View?.descendantsWith(out: ArrayList<View> = arrayListOf(), check: (View) -> Boolean): List<View>

Returns a list of descendants including this that matches the check method. Allows to provide an out array to reduce allocations.

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fun disable()
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override fun <T : BEvent> dispatch(event: T): Boolean
override fun <T : BEvent> dispatch(type: EventType<T>, event: T, result: EventResult?): Boolean

open override fun <T : BEvent> dispatch(type: EventType<T>, event: T, result: EventResult?, up: Boolean, down: Boolean): Boolean

Dispatched a event of type that will execute all the handlers registered with onEvents in this object and its children.

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open override fun <T : BEvent> dispatchChildren(type: EventType<T>, event: T, result: EventResult?)
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open fun <T : BEvent> dispatchDown(type: EventType<T>, event: T, result: EventResult? = null): Boolean
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open override fun <T : BEvent> dispatchParent(type: EventType<T>, event: T, result: EventResult?)
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open fun <T : BEvent> dispatchUp(type: EventType<T>, event: T, result: EventResult? = null): Boolean
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override fun <T : BEvent> dispatchWithResult(event: T, out: EventResult): EventResult
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fun View?.dump(indent: String = "", emit: (String) -> Unit = ::println)

Dumps a view and its children for debugging purposes. The emit block parameter allows to define how to print those results.

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Dumps a view and its children for debugging purposes into a String.

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inline fun Container.ellipse(radius: Size = Size(16, 16), fill: Paint = Colors.WHITE, stroke: Paint = Colors.WHITE, strokeThickness: Double = 0.0, autoScaling: Boolean = true, callback: Ellipse.() -> Unit = {}): Ellipse

Creates a Ellipse of radiusX, radiusY and fill. The autoScaling determines if the underlying texture will be updated when the hierarchy is scaled. The callback allows to configure the Circle instance.

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fun enable(set: Boolean = true)
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inline fun Container.fastEllipse(size: Size, color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE, callback: FastEllipse.() -> Unit = {}): FastEllipse
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inline fun fastForEachChild(block: (child: View) -> Unit)
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inline fun fastForEachChildRender(block: (child: View) -> Unit)

Iterates children in render order

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inline fun Container.fastRoundRect(size: Size, corners: RectCorners = RectCorners(.1f, .1f, 1f, 1f), color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE, callback: FastRoundRect.() -> Unit = {}): FastRoundRect
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fun View?.findFirstAscendant(cond: (view: View) -> Boolean): View?
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fun View?.findLastAscendant(cond: (view: View) -> Boolean): View?
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open override fun findViewByName(name: String): View?

Allows to find a descendant view whose property is name. Returns null if can't find any.

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fun View?.firstAncestor(includeThis: Boolean = true, condition: (View) -> Boolean): View?
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inline fun <T : View> View?.firstAncestorOfType(includeThis: Boolean = true): T?
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Tries to find a view matching the check method or null if none is found

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inline fun Container.fixedSizeCachedContainer(size: Size, cache: Boolean = true, clip: Boolean = true, callback: CachedContainer.() -> Unit = {}): FixedSizeCachedContainer
inline fun Container.fixedSizeCachedContainer(width: Double, height: Double, cache: Boolean = true, clip: Boolean = true, callback: CachedContainer.() -> Unit = {}): FixedSizeCachedContainer
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inline fun Container.fixedSizeContainer(size: Size, clip: Boolean = false, callback: FixedSizeContainer.() -> Unit = {}): FixedSizeContainer
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inline fun View?.forEachAscendant(includeThis: Boolean = false, handler: (View) -> Unit)
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inline fun forEachChild(callback: (child: View) -> Unit): Unit?

Iterates all the children of this container in normal order of rendering.

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inline fun forEachChildren(callback: (child: View) -> Unit): Unit?

Iterates all the children of this container in normal order of rendering.

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inline fun forEachChildrenReversed(callback: (child: View) -> Unit): Unit?

Iterates all the children of this container in reverse order of rendering.

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inline fun forEachChildrenWithIndex(callback: (index: Int, child: View) -> Unit): Unit?

Iterates all the children of this container in normal order of rendering. Providing an index in addition to the child to the callback.

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inline fun forEachChildReversed(callback: (child: View) -> Unit): Unit?

Iterates all the children of this container in reverse order of rendering.

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inline fun forEachChildWithIndex(callback: (index: Int, child: View) -> Unit): Unit?

Iterates all the children of this container in normal order of rendering. Providing an index in addition to the child to the callback.

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fun View?.foreachDescendant(handler: (View) -> Unit)

Iterates all the descendant Views including this calling the handler. Iteration happens in Pre-order (NLR).

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inline fun <T> View.gamepad(callback: GamePadEvents.() -> T): T
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inline fun <T> View.gestures(callback: GestureEvents.() -> T): T
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operator fun get(index: Int): View

Alias for getChildAt

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operator fun View?.get(name: String): QView

Indexer that allows to get a descendant marked with the name name.

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fun getBounds(target: View? = this, doAnchoring: Boolean = true, inclusive: Boolean = false, includeFilters: Boolean = false): Rectangle
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fun getBoundsInSpace(viewSpace: View?, doAnchoring: Boolean = true, includeFilters: Boolean = false): Rectangle

Get the bounds of the current this view in another view viewSpace.

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fun getBoundsNoAnchoring(target: View? = this, inclusive: Boolean = false, includeFilters: Boolean = false): Rectangle

Get the bounds of this view, using the target view as coordinate system. Not providing a target will return the local bounds. Allows to specify out to prevent allocations.

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fun getChildAt(index: Int): View

Finds the View at a given index. Remarks: if index is outside bounds 0..numChildren - 1, an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown.

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fun getChildAtOrNull(index: Int): View?

Finds the View at a given index. If the index is not valid, it returns null.

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Finds the first child View matching a given name.

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fun getChildIndex(view: View): Int

Retrieves the index of a given child View.

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fun getConcatMatrix(target: View, inclusive: Boolean = false): Matrix

Gets the concatenated MMatrix of this View up to the target view. If inclusive is true, the concatenated matrix will include the target view too. Allows to define an out matrix that will hold the result to prevent allocations.

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fun getConcatMatrixAccurateSlow(target: View, inclusive: Boolean = false): Matrix
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Returns a list of descendants views that are of type T.

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fun getGlobalBounds(includeFilters: Boolean = false): Rectangle

Returns the global bounds of this object.

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fun getLocalBounds(doAnchoring: Boolean = true, includeFilters: Boolean = false): Rectangle

Get local bounds of the view.

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open override fun getLocalBoundsInternal(): Rectangle
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inline fun <T : ViewRenderPhase> getOrCreateAndAddRenderPhase(create: () -> T): T
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Converts the global point p (using root/stage as reference) into the local coordinate system. Allows to define out to avoid allocation.

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inline fun Container.gpuGraphics(antialiased: Boolean = true, callback: ShapeBuilder.(GpuShapeView) -> Unit = {}): GpuShapeView
inline fun Container.gpuGraphics(shape: Shape, antialiased: Boolean = true, callback: GpuShapeView.() -> Unit = {}): GpuShapeView
inline fun Container.gpuGraphics(build: ShapeBuilder.() -> Unit, antialiased: Boolean = true, callback: GpuShapeView.() -> Unit = {}): GpuShapeView
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inline fun Container.gpuShapeView(antialiased: Boolean = true, callback: ShapeBuilder.(GpuShapeView) -> Unit = {}): GpuShapeView
inline fun Container.gpuShapeView(shape: Shape, antialiased: Boolean = true, callback: GpuShapeView.() -> Unit = {}): GpuShapeView
inline fun Container.gpuShapeView(build: ShapeBuilder.() -> Unit, antialiased: Boolean = true, callback: GpuShapeView.() -> Unit = {}): GpuShapeView
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inline fun GraphicsRenderer = GraphicsRenderer.SYSTEM, callback: ShapeBuilder.(Graphics) -> Unit = {}): Graphics
inline fun Shape, renderer: GraphicsRenderer = GraphicsRenderer.SYSTEM, callback: Graphics.() -> Unit = {}): Graphics
inline fun ShapeBuilder.() -> Unit, renderer: GraphicsRenderer = GraphicsRenderer.SYSTEM, callback: Graphics.() -> Unit = {}): Graphics
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fun View.hasAncestor(ancestor: View): Boolean

Checks if this view has the specified ancestor.

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open fun hitTest(globalPos: Point, direction: HitTestDirection = HitTestDirection.ANY): View?

Determines the view at the global point defined by xD and yD if any, or null

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open override fun hitTestAny(p: Point, direction: HitTestDirection): Boolean
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fun hitTestLocal(p: Point, direction: HitTestDirection = HitTestDirection.ANY): View?
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fun hitTestShape(shape: Shape2D, matrix: Matrix, direction: HitTestDirection = HitTestDirection.ANY): View?
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fun hitTestView(view: View, direction: HitTestDirection = HitTestDirection.ANY): View?
fun hitTestView(views: List<View>, direction: HitTestDirection = HitTestDirection.ANY): View?
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inline fun Container.image(texture: Bitmap, anchor: Anchor = Anchor.TOP_LEFT, callback: Image.() -> Unit = {}): Image
inline fun Container.image(texture: Resourceable<out BaseBmpSlice>, anchor: Anchor = Anchor.TOP_LEFT, callback: Image.() -> Unit = {}): Image
inline fun Container.image(texture: BitmapCoords, anchor: Anchor = Anchor.TOP_LEFT, callback: Image.() -> Unit = {}): Image
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inline fun Container.imageAnimationView(animation: ImageAnimation? = null, direction: ImageAnimation.Direction? = null, block: ImageAnimationView<Image>.() -> Unit = {}): ImageAnimationView<Image>
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inline fun Container.imageDataView(data: ImageData? = null, animation: String? = null, playing: Boolean = false, smoothing: Boolean = true, block: ImageDataView.() -> Unit = {}): ImageDataView

With imageDataView it is possible to display an image inside a Container or View. It supports layers and animations. Animations consist of a series of frames which are defined e.g. by tag names in Aseprite files.

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fun View.interval(time: TimeSpan, callback: () -> Unit): Closeable
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fun View.intervalAndNow(time: TimeSpan, callback: () -> Unit): Closeable
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open override fun invalidate()

Invalidates the View after changing some of its properties so the geometry can be computed again. If you change the localMatrix directly, you should call invalidateMatrix instead.

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open override fun invalidateColorTransform()
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open override fun invalidatedView(view: BaseView?)
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Invalidates the localMatrix, so it gets updated from the decomposed properties: xD, yD, scaleXD, scaleYD, rotation, skewX and skewY.

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open override fun invalidateRender()
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fun View?.isDescendantOf(other: View, include: Boolean = true): Boolean
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inline fun <T> View.keys(callback: KeysEvents.() -> T): T
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inline fun Container.line(a: Point, b: Point, color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE, callback: Line.() -> Unit = {}): Line
inline fun Container.line(x0: Double, y0: Double, x1: Double, y1: Double, color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE, callback: Line.() -> Unit = {}): Line
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Computes the local X and Y coordinates of the mouse using the coords from the Views object

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Converts the local point p into a global point (using root/stage as reference). Allows to define out to avoid allocation.

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fun localToWindow(views: Views, p: Point): Point

Converts the local point p into a point in window coordinates.

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fun View.makeFocusable(tabIndex: Int = 0, onChanged: (value: Boolean) -> Unit = {}): UIFocusable
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operator fun minusAssign(view: View)

Alias for removeChild.

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x and y are in global coordinates

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fun moveChildrenAt(from: Int, to: Int, count: Int = 1)
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fun moveChildTo(view: View, index: Int)
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inline fun View.newKeys(callback: KeysEvents.() -> Unit): KeysEvents
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inline fun View.newMouse(callback: MouseEvents.() -> Unit): MouseEvents
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inline fun View.nextView(filter: (View) -> Boolean): View?
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inline fun <T> View.nextViewOfType(): T?
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inline fun Container.ninePatch(ninePatch: NinePatchBmpSlice?, size: Size = Size(ninePatch?.widthF ?: 16f, ninePatch?.heightF ?: 16f), callback: NinePatch.() -> Unit = {}): NinePatch
inline fun Container.ninePatch(tex: BmpSlice, size: Size, left: Float, top: Float, right: Float, bottom: Float, callback: NinePatch.() -> Unit = {}): NinePatch
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inline fun Container.ninePatchShapeView(shape: NinePatchShape, renderer: GraphicsRenderer = GraphicsRenderer.SYSTEM, callback: NinePatchShapeView.() -> Unit = {}): NinePatchShapeView
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open fun onChildChangedSize(view: View)
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Handles a DropFileEvent. The event happens when a drag&drop file over the window happens.

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override fun <T : BEvent> onEvent(type: EventType<T>, handler: (T) -> Unit): CloseableCancellable

Registers a handler block to be executed when an event of type is dispatched

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override fun onEventCount(type: EventType<*>): Int
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open fun <T : BEvent> onEvents(vararg etypes: EventType<out T>, handler: (T) -> Unit): Closeable
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inline fun Container.outline(vectorPath: VectorPath, x: Double = 0.0, y: Double = 0.0, color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE, callback: Outline.() -> Unit = {}): Outline
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operator fun plusAssign(view: View)

Alias for addChild.

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operator fun View?.plusAssign(view: View?)

Adds the specified view to this view only if this view is a Container.

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inline fun View.prevView(filter: (View) -> Boolean): View?
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inline fun <T> View.prevViewOfType(): T?
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fun removeChild(view: View?): Boolean

Removes the specified view from this container.

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fun removeChildAt(index: Int, count: Int)
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Removes all Views children from this container.

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inline fun removeChildrenIf(cond: (index: Int, child: View) -> Boolean): Boolean
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fun View.removeFilter(filter: Filter)
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Removes this view from its parent.

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override fun render(ctx: RenderContext)

The render method that is in charge of rendering. This method receives the ctx that allows to buffer geometry to be drawn in batches.

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fun <T : View> RenderContext2D.(T) -> Unit.render(ctx: RenderContext, view: T = this@UIView as T)
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inline fun Container.renderableView(size: Size = Size(128, 24), viewRenderer: ViewRenderer): RenderableView
inline fun Container.renderableView(size: Size = Size(128, 24), noinline viewRenderer: RenderableView.() -> Unit): RenderableView
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inline fun View.renderCtx2d(ctx: RenderContext, crossinline block: (RenderContext2D) -> Unit)
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open override fun renderDebug(ctx: RenderContext)
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fun View.renderFiltered(ctx: RenderContext, filter: Filter, first: Boolean = true)
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suspend fun View.renderToBitmap(views: Views? = this.stage?.views, region: Rectangle? = null, scale: Double = 1.0, outPoint: Ref<Point>? = null, includeBackground: Boolean = false): Bitmap32

Asynchronously renders this View (with the provided views) to a Bitmap32 and returns it. The rendering will happen before the next frame.

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Converts a point p in the nearest ancestor marked as View.Reference into the local coordinate system. Allows to define out to avoid allocation.

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fun replaceChild(old: View, new: View): Boolean

Replaces this child old with a new view.

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inline fun <T : ViewRenderPhase> replaceRenderPhase(create: () -> T)
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Replaces this view in its parent with view. Returns true if the replacement was successful. If this view doesn't have a parent or view is the same as this, returns false.

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open fun reset()

Resets the View properties to an identity state.

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inline fun Container.roundRect(size: Size, radius: RectCorners, fill: Paint = Colors.WHITE, stroke: Paint = Colors.WHITE, strokeThickness: Double = 0.0, autoScaling: Boolean = true, callback: RoundRect.() -> Unit = {}): RoundRect

Creates a new RoundRect of size widthxheight and color and allows you to configure it via callback. Once created, it is added to this receiver Container.

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inline fun Container.scaleView(size: Size, scaleAvg: Double = 2.0, filtering: Boolean = false, callback: Container.() -> Unit = {}): ScaleView
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inline suspend fun Container.sceneContainer(defaultTransition: Transition = AlphaTransition.withEasing(Easing.EASE_IN_OUT_QUAD), name: String = "sceneContainer", size: Size = Size.ZERO, callback: SceneContainer.() -> Unit = {}): SceneContainer

inline fun Container.sceneContainer(views: Views, defaultTransition: Transition = AlphaTransition.withEasing(Easing.EASE_IN_OUT_QUAD), name: String = "sceneContainer", size: Size = Size(0f, 0f), callback: SceneContainer.() -> Unit = {}): SceneContainer

Creates a new SceneContainer, allowing to configure with callback, and attaches the newly created container to the receiver this Container It requires to specify the Views singleton instance, and allows to specify a defaultTransition.

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Scroll ancestors to make this view is visible

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Tries to set the global bounds of the object. If there are rotations in the ancestors, this might not work as expected.

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fun View?.setHtml(html: String)
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fun setMatrix(matrix: Matrix)

Sets the local transform matrix that includes xD, yD, scaleXD, scaleYD, rotation, skewX and skewY encoded into a Matrix

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Like setMatrix but directly sets an interpolated version of the l and r matrices with the ratio

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fun View?.setText(text: String)
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Sets the MatrixTransform decomposed version of the transformation, that directly includes xD, yD, scaleXD, scaleYD, rotation, skewX and skewY.

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inline fun Container.shapeView(shape: VectorPath? = null, fill: Paint = Colors.WHITE, stroke: Paint = Colors.WHITE, strokeThickness: Double = 1.0, autoScaling: Boolean = true, renderer: GraphicsRenderer = GraphicsRenderer.GPU, callback: ShapeView.() -> Unit = {}): ShapeView
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fun View.singleTouch(removeTouch: Boolean = false, supportStartAnywhere: Boolean = false, block: SingleTouchHandler.(id: Int) -> Unit)
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inline fun Container.solidRect(size: Size, color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE, callback: SolidRect.() -> Unit = {}): SolidRect

Creates a new SolidRect of size and color color and allows you to configure it via callback. Once created, it is added to this receiver Container.

inline fun Container.solidRect(width: Double, height: Double, color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE, callback: SolidRect.() -> Unit = {}): SolidRect
inline fun Container.solidRect(width: Float, height: Float, color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE, callback: SolidRect.() -> Unit = {}): SolidRect

inline fun Container.solidRect(width: Int, height: Int, color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE, callback: SolidRect.() -> Unit = {}): SolidRect

Creates a new SolidRect of size widthxheight and color color and allows you to configure it via callback. Once created, it is added to this receiver Container.

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inline fun Container.solidTriangle(p1: Point, p2: Point, p3: Point, color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE, callback: Mesh.() -> Unit = {}): SolidTriangle

Creates a new SolidTriangle with points [p1, p1, p3] and color color and allows you to configure it via callback. Once created, it is added to this receiver Container.

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fun sortChildrenBy(comparator: Comparator<View>)

Sorts all the children by using the specified comparator.

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inline fun Container.sprite(texture: Bitmap, anchor: Anchor = Anchor.TOP_LEFT, callback: Sprite.() -> Unit = {}): Sprite
inline fun Container.sprite(initialAnimation: SpriteAnimation, anchor: Anchor = Anchor.TOP_LEFT, callback: Sprite.() -> Unit = {}): Sprite
inline fun Container.sprite(texture: BmpSlice = Bitmaps.white, anchor: Anchor = Anchor.TOP_LEFT, callback: Sprite.() -> Unit = {}): Sprite
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fun swapChildren(view1: View, view2: View)

Swaps the order of two child Views view1 and view2. If view1 or view2 are not part of this container, this method doesn't do anything.

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fun swapChildrenAt(indexA: Int, indexB: Int)
fun swapChildrenAt(indexA: Int, indexB: Int, count: Int)
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inline fun Container.text(text: String, textSize: Number = Text.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE, font: Resourceable<out Font> = DefaultTtfFontAsBitmap, alignment: TextAlignment = TextAlignment.TOP_LEFT, renderer: TextRenderer<String> = DefaultStringTextRenderer, autoScaling: Boolean = Text.DEFAULT_AUTO_SCALING, fill: Paint? = null, stroke: Stroke? = null, block: Text.() -> Unit = {}): Text
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inline fun Container.textBlock(text: RichTextData = RichTextData("", textSize = 16.0, font = DefaultTtfFontAsBitmap), align: TextAlignment = TextAlignment.TOP_LEFT, size: Size = Size(100, 100), block: TextBlock.() -> Unit = {}): TextBlock
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inline fun Container.tileMap(map: IStackedIntArray2, tileset: TileSet, repeatX: TileMapRepeat = TileMapRepeat.NONE, repeatY: TileMapRepeat = repeatX, smoothing: Boolean = true, tileSize: SizeInt = tileset.tileSize, callback: TileMap.() -> Unit = {}): TileMap
inline fun Container.tileMap(map: IntArray2, tileset: TileSet, repeatX: TileMapRepeat = TileMapRepeat.NONE, repeatY: TileMapRepeat = repeatX, smoothing: Boolean = true, tileSize: SizeInt = tileset.tileSize, callback: TileMap.() -> Unit = {}): TileMap
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fun View.timeout(time: TimeSpan, callback: () -> Unit): Closeable
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open override fun toString(): String
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fun View.touch(block: TouchEvents.() -> Unit)
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suspend fun BaseView?.tween(vararg vs: V2<*>, time: TimeSpan = DEFAULT_TIME, easing: Easing = DEFAULT_EASING, waitTime: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, timeout: Boolean = false, autoInvalidate: Boolean = true, callback: (Float) -> Unit = { })

Creates a tween that will take a specified time to execute, with an optional easing.

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suspend fun BaseView?.tweenAsync(vararg vs: V2<*>, time: TimeSpan = DEFAULT_TIME, easing: Easing = DEFAULT_EASING, waitTime: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, callback: (Float) -> Unit = {}): Deferred<Unit>
fun BaseView?.tweenAsync(vararg vs: V2<*>, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, time: TimeSpan = DEFAULT_TIME, easing: Easing = DEFAULT_EASING, waitTime: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, callback: (Float) -> Unit = {}): Deferred<Unit>
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fun BaseView?.tweenNoWait(vararg vs: V2<*>, time: TimeSpan = DEFAULT_TIME, easing: Easing = DEFAULT_EASING, waitTime: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, callback: (Float) -> Unit = { }): TweenComponent?
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inline fun <T> Container.uiBreadCrumb(path: UIBreadCrumb.Path<T>, block: UIBreadCrumb<T>.() -> Unit = {}): UIBreadCrumb<T>
inline fun <T> Container.uiBreadCrumb(path: Iterable<T>, block: UIBreadCrumb<T>.() -> Unit = {}): UIBreadCrumb<T>
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inline fun <T> Container.uiBreadCrumbArray(vararg path: T, block: UIBreadCrumb<T>.() -> Unit = {}): UIBreadCrumb<T>
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inline fun Container.uiButton(label: String = "", size: Size = UIButton.DEFAULT_SIZE, icon: BmpSlice? = null, block: UIButton.() -> Unit = {}): UIButton
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inline fun Container.uiCheckBox(size: Size = UI_DEFAULT_SIZE, checked: Boolean = false, text: String = "CheckBox", block: UICheckBox.() -> Unit = {}): UICheckBox
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inline fun <T> Container.uiComboBox(size: Size = UI_DEFAULT_SIZE, selectedIndex: Int = 0, items: List<T>, block: UIComboBox<T>.() -> Unit = {}): UIComboBox<T>
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inline fun Container.uiContainer(size: Size = Size(128, 128), block: UIContainer.() -> Unit = {}): UIContainer
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inline fun Container.uiEditableNumber(value: Double = 0.0, min: Double = 0.0, max: Double = 1.0, decimals: Int = 2, clamped: Boolean = true, size: Size = Size(64, 18), block: UIEditableNumber.() -> Unit = {}): UIEditableNumber
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inline fun Container.uiFillLayeredContainer(size: Size = Size(128, 20), block: UIFillLayeredContainer.() -> Unit = {}): UIFillLayeredContainer
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inline fun Container.uiGridFill(size: Size = Size(128, 128), cols: Int = 3, rows: Int = 3, spacing: Spacing = Spacing.ZERO, direction: UIDirection = UIDirection.ROW, block: UIGridFill.() -> Unit = {}): UIGridFill
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inline fun Container.uiHorizontalFill(size: Size = Size(128, 20), padding: Number = UI_DEFAULT_PADDING, block: UIHorizontalFill.() -> Unit = {}): UIHorizontalFill
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inline fun Container.uiHorizontalStack(height: Number? = null, padding: Number = UI_DEFAULT_PADDING, adjustHeight: Boolean = true, block: UIHorizontalStack.() -> Unit = {}): UIHorizontalStack
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inline fun Container.uiImage(size: Size = UI_DEFAULT_SIZE, bitmap: BmpSlice = Bitmaps.transparent, scaleMode: ScaleMode = ScaleMode.NO_SCALE, contentAnchor: Anchor = Anchor.TOP_LEFT, block: UIImage.() -> Unit = {}): UIImage
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inline fun Container.uiMaterialLayer(size: Size = UI_DEFAULT_SIZE, block: UIMaterialLayer.() -> Unit = {}): UIMaterialLayer
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inline fun Container.uiOldScrollBar(size: Size, current: Double = 0.0, pageSize: Double = 1.0, totalSize: Double = 10.0, buttonSize: Double = 32.0, stepSize: Double = pageSize / 10.0, direction: UIOldScrollBar.Direction =, block: UIOldScrollBar.() -> Unit = {}): UIOldScrollBar
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inline fun Container.uiProgressBar(size: Size = Size(256, 24), current: Number = 0.0, maximum: Number = 100.0, block: UIProgressBar.() -> Unit = {}): UIProgressBar
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inline fun Container.uiPropertyCheckBox(title: String, vararg propsList: UIEditableBooleanProps, size: Size = Size(128, 20)): UIPropertyRow
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inline fun <T : Enum<T>> Container.uiPropertyComboBox(title: String, field: KMutableProperty0<T>, size: Size = Size(128, 20)): UIPropertyRow
inline fun <T> Container.uiPropertyComboBox(title: String, field: KMutableProperty0<T>, values: List<T>, size: Size = Size(128, 20)): UIPropertyRow
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inline fun Container.uiPropertyNumberRow(title: String, vararg propsList: UIEditableNumberProps, size: Size = Size(128, 20), block: UIPropertyNumberRow.() -> Unit = {}): UIPropertyNumberRow
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inline fun Container.uiRadioButton(size: Size = UI_DEFAULT_SIZE, checked: Boolean = false, text: String = "Radio Button", group: UIRadioButtonGroup = UIRadioButtonGroup(), block: UIRadioButton.() -> Unit = {}): UIRadioButton
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inline fun Container.uiScrollable(size: Size = Size(256, 256), config: UIScrollable.() -> Unit = {}, cache: Boolean = true, block: Container.(UIScrollable) -> Unit = {}): UIScrollable
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inline fun Container.uiScrollableArea(size: Size = Size(256, 256), contentSize: Size = Size(512, 512), buttonSize: Number = 32.0, verticalScroll: Boolean = true, horizontalScroll: Boolean = true, config: UIScrollableArea.() -> Unit = {}, block: Container.(UIScrollableArea) -> Unit = {}): UIScrollableArea
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inline fun Container.uiSlider(value: Number = UISlider.DEFAULT_VALUE, min: Number = UISlider.DEFAULT_MIN, max: Number = UISlider.DEFAULT_MAX, step: Number = UISlider.DEFAULT_STEP, decimalPlaces: Int? = null, size: Size = UISlider.DEFAULT_SIZE, block: UISlider.() -> Unit = {}): UISlider
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inline fun Container.uiSpacing(size: Size = UI_DEFAULT_SIZE, block: UISpacing.() -> Unit = {}): UISpacing
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inline fun Container.uiSwitch(size: Size = UI_DEFAULT_SIZE, checked: Boolean = false, text: String = "Switch", block: UISwitch.() -> Unit = {}): UISwitch
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inline fun Container.uiText(text: String, size: Size = UIText.DEFAULT_SIZE, block: UIText.() -> Unit = {}): UIText
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inline fun Container.uiTextInput(initialText: String = "", size: Size = Size(128, 24), block: UITextInput.() -> Unit = {}): UITextInput
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inline fun <T> Container.uiTreeView(provider: UITreeViewProvider<T>, size: Size = Size(256, 256), block: Container.(UITreeView<T>) -> Unit = {}): UITreeView<T>
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inline fun Container.uiVerticalFill(size: Size = Size(128, 20), padding: Number = UI_DEFAULT_PADDING, block: UIVerticalFill.() -> Unit = {}): UIVerticalFill
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inline fun Container.uiVerticalList(provider: UIVerticalList.Provider, width: Number = 256.0, block: Container.(UIVerticalList) -> Unit = {}): UIVerticalList
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inline fun Container.uiVerticalStack(width: Double? = null, padding: Double = UI_DEFAULT_PADDING, adjustSize: Boolean = true, block: UIVerticalStack.() -> Unit = {}): UIVerticalStack
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inline fun Container.uiWindow(title: String, size: Size = Size(256, 256), configure: UIWindow.() -> Unit = {}, block: Container.(UIWindow) -> Unit = {}): UIWindow
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operator fun <T : View> T.unaryPlus(): T

Equivalent to addChild

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fun View.unsafeRenderToBitmapSync(ctx: RenderContext, region: Rectangle? = null, scale: Double = 1.0, outPoint: Ref<Point>? = null, useTexture: Boolean = true, bgcolor: RGBA = Colors.TRANSPARENT): Bitmap32
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fun View.updateSingleView(delta: TimeSpan, tempUpdate: UpdateEvent = UpdateEvent())
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open fun updateState()
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inline fun Container.vectorImage(shape: SizedDrawable, autoScaling: Boolean = true, callback: VectorImage.() -> Unit = {}): VectorImage