Package-level declarations


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inline class TileInfo(val data: Int)
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class TileMap(    var stackedIntMap: IStackedIntArray2 = StackedIntArray2(1, 1, 0),     tileset: TileSet = TileSet.EMPTY,     var smoothing: Boolean = true,     var tileSize: SizeInt = tileset.tileSize) : View
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inline fun Container.tileMap(    map: IStackedIntArray2,     tileset: TileSet,     repeatX: TileMapRepeat = TileMapRepeat.NONE,     repeatY: TileMapRepeat = repeatX,     smoothing: Boolean = true,     tileSize: SizeInt = tileset.tileSize,     callback: TileMap.() -> Unit = {}): TileMap
inline fun Container.tileMap(    map: IntArray2,     tileset: TileSet,     repeatX: TileMapRepeat = TileMapRepeat.NONE,     repeatY: TileMapRepeat = repeatX,     smoothing: Boolean = true,     tileSize: SizeInt = tileset.tileSize,     callback: TileMap.() -> Unit = {}): TileMap