Package-level declarations


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open class ImageAnimationView<T : SmoothedBmpSlice>(animation: ImageAnimation? = null, direction: ImageAnimation.Direction? = null, val createImage: () -> T) : Container, Playable, PixelAnchorable, Anchorable
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open class ImageDataView(data: ImageData? = null, animation: String? = null, playing: Boolean = false, smoothing: Boolean = true) : Container, PixelAnchorable, Anchorable
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interface Playable
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inline fun Container.imageAnimationView(animation: ImageAnimation? = null, direction: ImageAnimation.Direction? = null, block: ImageAnimationView<Image>.() -> Unit = {}): ImageAnimationView<Image>
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inline fun Container.imageDataView(data: ImageData? = null, animation: String? = null, playing: Boolean = false, smoothing: Boolean = true, block: ImageDataView.() -> Unit = {}): ImageDataView

With imageDataView it is possible to display an image inside a Container or View. It supports layers and animations. Animations consist of a series of frames which are defined e.g. by tag names in Aseprite files.