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Class in charge of automatically handling AGTexture<->Bitmap conversion.

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class AgBufferManager(val ag: AG)

Class to handle cached buffers, that are freed after a few frames of not being used

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class AgCachedBuffer(val data: Buffer)
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class BatchBuilder2D(val ctx: RenderContext, val reqMaxQuads: Int = DEFAULT_BATCH_QUADS)

Allows to draw quads and sprites buffering the geometry to limit the draw batches executed calling AG (Accelerated Graphics). This class handles a vertex structure of: x, y, u, v, colorMul. Allowing to draw texturized and tinted primitives.

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A context that allows to draw lines using AG (Accelerated Graphics).

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class RenderContext(    val ag: AG,     val bp: BoundsProvider = BoundsProvider.Base(),     val deviceDimensionsProvider: DeviceDimensionsProvider = (bp as? DeviceDimensionsProvider?) ?: DeviceDimensionsProvider.DEFAULT,     val stats: Stats = Stats(),     val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,     val batchMaxQuads: Int = BatchBuilder2D.DEFAULT_BATCH_QUADS,     val windowConfig: GameWindowConfig = GameWindowConfig.Impl()) : Extra, BoundsProvider, AGFeatures, DeviceDimensionsProvider, Closeable

A context that allows to render objects.

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class RenderContext2D(val batch: BatchBuilder2D, val agBitmapTextureManager: AgBitmapTextureManager) : Extra

Helper class using BatchBuilder2D that keeps a chain of affine transforms MMatrix, ColorTransform and blendMode and allows to draw images and scissors with that transform.

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class ShrinkableTexturedVertexArray(val vertices: TexturedVertexArray, var vcount: Int = 0, var icount: Int = 0)
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class TextureBase(var base: AGTexture?, var size: SizeInt) : Closeable, SizeableInt

Represents a full texture region wraping a base and specifying its width and height

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class TexturedVertexArray(vcount: Int, val indices: ShortArray, icount: Int = indices.size)

Allows to build a set of textured and colored vertices. Where vcount is the number of vertices and icount, the maximum number of indices.

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data class TextureWithBitmapSlice(val texture: BmpSlice, val bitmapSlice: BmpSlice, val scale: Double, val bounds: Rectangle)

A texture wrap that includes scale and bounds information. Used internally for atlases.

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data class VertexInfo(var x: Float = 0.0f, var y: Float = 0.0f, var u: Float = 0.0f, var v: Float = 0.0f, var colorMul: RGBA = Colors.WHITE)


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fun RenderContext2D.drawText(placements: RichTextDataPlacements, textRangeStart: Int = 0, textRangeEnd: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE)
fun RenderContext2D.drawText(    text: String,     font: BitmapFont,     textSize: Double = 16.0,     pos: Point = Point.ZERO,     color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE,     baseline: Boolean = false,     textRangeStart: Int = 0,     textRangeEnd: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE)
fun RenderContext2D.drawText(    text: RichTextData,     pos: Point = Point.ZERO,     size: Size = Size(10000, 10000),     wordWrap: Boolean = true,     includePartialLines: Boolean = false,     ellipsis: String? = null,     fill: Paint? = null,     stroke: Stroke? = null,     align: TextAlignment = TextAlignment.TOP_LEFT,     includeFirstLineAlways: Boolean = true)
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Returns this same bitmap if it is already power of two, or creates a new Bitmap32 with the pixels from this set at the top-left while keeping the rest of the Bitmap32 with transparent pixels.

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fun RenderContext2D.materialRoundRect(    x: Double,     y: Double,     width: Double,     height: Double,     color: RGBA = Colors.RED,     radius: RectCorners = RectCorners.EMPTY,     shadowOffset: Point = Point.ZERO,     shadowColor: RGBA = Colors.BLACK,     shadowRadius: Double = 0.0,     highlightPos: Point = Point.ZERO,     highlightRadius: Double = 0.0,     highlightColor: RGBA = Colors.WHITE,     borderSize: Double = 0.0,     borderColor: RGBA = Colors.WHITE)
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inline fun View.renderCtx2d(ctx: RenderContext, crossinline block: (RenderContext2D) -> Unit)
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inline fun testRenderContext(bp: BoundsProvider = BoundsProvider.Base(), block: (RenderContext) -> Unit): AGLog
inline fun <T : AG> testRenderContext(ag: T, bp: BoundsProvider = BoundsProvider.Base(), block: (RenderContext) -> Unit): T
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fun Texture(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer): Texture

Creates a Texture from a frame buffer frameBuffer with the right size of the frameBuffer.

fun Texture(agBase: AGTexture, width: Int, height: Int): Texture

Creates a Texture from a texture agBase and its wanted size width, height.

fun Texture(base: TextureBase, left: Int = 0, top: Int = 0, right: Int = base.width, bottom: Int = base.height): Texture
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fun Texture.update(bmp: Bitmap32, mipmaps: Boolean, baseMipmapLevel: Int, maxMipmapLevel: Int)

Updates this texture from a bmp and optionally generates mipmaps.

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inline fun RenderContext.useLineBatcher(matrix: Matrix? = null, block: (LineRenderBatcher) -> Unit)