
abstract class WsRequest(val uri: String, val headers: Http.Headers, val scope: CoroutineScope) : HttpServer.BaseRequest


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constructor(uri: String, headers: Http.Headers, scope: CoroutineScope)


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open override var extra: ExtraType
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val scope: CoroutineScope
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val uri: String


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open fun accept(headers: Http.Headers)
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fun anyMessageStream(): ReceiveChannel<Any>
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fun binaryMessageStream(): ReceiveChannel<ByteArray>
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abstract fun close()
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abstract fun onBinaryMessage(handler: suspend (ByteArray) -> Unit)
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abstract fun onClose(handler: suspend (WsCloseInfo) -> Unit)
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abstract fun onStringMessage(handler: suspend (String) -> Unit)
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abstract fun reject()
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abstract fun send(msg: ByteArray)
abstract fun send(msg: String)
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fun sendSafe(msg: String)
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fun stringMessageStream(): ReceiveChannel<String>