Package-level declarations


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data class RectCoords(val tlX: Float, val tlY: Float, val trX: Float, val trY: Float, val brX: Float, val brY: Float, val blX: Float, val blY: Float) : SliceCoords
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data class RectSlice<T : SizeableInt>(val base: T, val rect: RectangleInt, val orientation: SliceOrientation = SliceOrientation.ROTATE_0, val padding: MarginInt = MarginInt.ZERO, val name: String? = null) : SliceCoordsWithBaseAndRect<T>

Represents a 2D slice in an integral space inside a base (or atlas) that has a width and height.

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interface SliceCoords
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data class SliceCoordsImpl<T : SizeableInt>(val base: T, val coords: SliceCoords, val name: String? = null, val flippedWidthHeight: Boolean = false) : SliceCoordsWithBase<T>
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inline class SliceOrientation(val raw: Int)

Represents an orientation where: flipX and flipY is applied first, and then rotation.

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fun <T : SizeableInt> RectSlice<T>.split(width: Int, height: Int, inRows: Boolean): List<RectSlice<T>>
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fun <T : SizeableInt> RectSlice<T>.splitInCols(width: Int, height: Int): List<RectSlice<T>>
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fun <T : SizeableInt> RectSlice<T>.splitInRows(width: Int, height: Int): List<RectSlice<T>>