
open class WasmRunJVMOutput(val OUTPUT_CLASS_NAME: String = "WasmProgram")


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constructor(OUTPUT_CLASS_NAME: String = "WasmProgram")


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object Companion
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data class ControlStructure(val kind: String, val startStack: List<WasmSType>, val result: WasmType, val label: Label = Label())
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data class ElementInfo(val tableIndex: Int, val index: Int, val elements: List<WasmRunJVMOutput.ElementItem>)
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data class ElementItem(val func: WasmFunc, val funcName: String)
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class GenMethodContext(val name: String, val methodVisitor: MethodVisitor, val func: WasmFunc, val module: WasmModule)


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fun MethodVisitor.boxType(stype: WasmSType)
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inline fun createClass(name: String, parent: Class<*> = java.lang.Object::class.java, vararg interfaces: Class<*>, doTrace: Boolean, doValidate: Boolean, handleBytes: (ByteArray) -> Unit = { }, block: ClassVisitor.() -> Unit): Class<*>
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inline fun ClassVisitor.createConstructor(vararg params: Class<*>?, crossinline block: MethodVisitor.() -> Unit)
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inline fun ClassVisitor.createMethod(name: String, ret: Class<*>?, vararg params: Any?, isStatic: Boolean = false, maxStack: Int = 0, maxLocals: Int = 0, crossinline block: MethodVisitor.() -> Unit)
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open fun dumpJVMBytecode(bytes: ByteArray)
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fun MethodVisitor.generateExpr(expr: WasmExpr, context: WasmRunJVMOutput.GenMethodContext, indent: Int, implicitReturn: Boolean = true)
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fun MethodVisitor.generateFunc(func: WasmFunc, module: WasmModule)
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open fun getClassVisitor(cw: ClassWriter, doValidate: Boolean): ClassVisitor
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fun MethodVisitor.getWasmGlobal(global: WasmGlobal)
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fun MethodVisitor.setWasmGlobal(global: WasmGlobal)
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fun WasmType.toJDescriptor(isImport: Boolean = false): String
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fun MethodVisitor.unboxType(stype: WasmSType)
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open fun useMethodVisitor(myMethod: MethodVisitor, doTrace: Boolean, block: (mv: MethodVisitor) -> Unit)