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data class AtlasResult<T>(val tex: Bitmap32, val atlas: Atlas, val packedItems: List<AtlasPacker.Entry<T>>) : AtlasLookup
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data class Entry<T>(val item: T, val originalSlice: BmpSlice, val slice: BmpSlice32, val rectWithBorder: Rectangle, val rect: Rectangle)
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data class Result<T>(val atlases: List<AtlasPacker.AtlasResult<T>>) : AtlasLookup


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fun pack(items: List<BmpSlice>, maxSide: Int = 2048, maxTextures: Int = 1, borderSize: Int = 2, fileName: String = "atlas.png"): AtlasPacker.Result<BmpSlice>
@JvmName(name = "packPairs")
fun <T> pack(items: List<Pair<T, BmpSlice>>, maxSide: Int = 2048, maxTextures: Int = 16, borderSize: Int = 2, fileName: String = "atlas.png"): AtlasPacker.Result<T>