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open override var extra: ExtraType


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fun <T : BEvent> clearEvents(type: EventType<T>)
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override fun <T : BEvent> dispatch(event: T): Boolean
override fun <T : BEvent> dispatch(type: EventType<T>, event: T, result: EventResult?): Boolean

open override fun <T : BEvent> dispatch(type: EventType<T>, event: T, result: EventResult?, up: Boolean, down: Boolean): Boolean

Dispatched a event of type that will execute all the handlers registered with onEvents in this object and its children.

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open fun <T : BEvent> dispatchChildren(type: EventType<T>, event: T, result: EventResult?)
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open fun <T : BEvent> dispatchDown(type: EventType<T>, event: T, result: EventResult? = null): Boolean
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open fun <T : BEvent> dispatchParent(type: EventType<T>, event: T, result: EventResult?)
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open fun <T : BEvent> dispatchUp(type: EventType<T>, event: T, result: EventResult? = null): Boolean
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override fun <T : BEvent> dispatchWithResult(event: T, out: EventResult): EventResult
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open fun invalidateRender()
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override fun <T : BEvent> onEvent(type: EventType<T>, handler: (T) -> Unit): CloseableCancellable

Registers a handler block to be executed when an event of type is dispatched

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override fun onEventCount(type: EventType<*>): Int
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open fun <T : BEvent> onEvents(vararg etypes: EventType<out T>, handler: (T) -> Unit): Closeable
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suspend fun BaseView?.tween(vararg vs: V2<*>, time: TimeSpan = DEFAULT_TIME, easing: Easing = DEFAULT_EASING, waitTime: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, timeout: Boolean = false, autoInvalidate: Boolean = true, callback: (Float) -> Unit = { })

Creates a tween that will take a specified time to execute, with an optional easing.

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suspend fun BaseView?.tweenAsync(vararg vs: V2<*>, time: TimeSpan = DEFAULT_TIME, easing: Easing = DEFAULT_EASING, waitTime: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, callback: (Float) -> Unit = {}): Deferred<Unit>
fun BaseView?.tweenAsync(vararg vs: V2<*>, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, time: TimeSpan = DEFAULT_TIME, easing: Easing = DEFAULT_EASING, waitTime: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, callback: (Float) -> Unit = {}): Deferred<Unit>
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fun BaseView?.tweenNoWait(vararg vs: V2<*>, time: TimeSpan = DEFAULT_TIME, easing: Easing = DEFAULT_EASING, waitTime: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, callback: (Float) -> Unit = { }): TweenComponent?