
class RenderContext2D(val batch: BatchBuilder2D, val agBitmapTextureManager: AgBitmapTextureManager) : Extra

Helper class using BatchBuilder2D that keeps a chain of affine transforms MMatrix, ColorTransform and blendMode and allows to draw images and scissors with that transform.

keepMatrix, keepBlendMode, keepColor and keep block methods allow to do transformations inside its blocks while restoring its initial state at the end of the block.

setMatrix, translate, scale, and rotate allows to control the transform matrix.

rect and imageScale allows to render color quads and images.

blendFactors property allow to specify the blending mode to be used. multiplyColor will set the multiplicative color to be usd when drawing rects and images.

scissor methods allow to specify a scissor rectangle limiting the area where the pixels will be renderer.


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constructor(batch: BatchBuilder2D, agBitmapTextureManager: AgBitmapTextureManager)


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Blending mode to be used in the renders

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open override var extra: ExtraType
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var m: Matrix
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Multiplicative color to be used in the renders

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var size: Size
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fun RenderContext2D.drawText(placements: RichTextDataPlacements, textRangeStart: Int = 0, textRangeEnd: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE)
fun RenderContext2D.drawText(    text: String,     font: BitmapFont,     textSize: Double = 16.0,     pos: Point = Point.ZERO,     color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE,     baseline: Boolean = false,     textRangeStart: Int = 0,     textRangeEnd: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE)
fun RenderContext2D.drawText(    text: RichTextData,     pos: Point = Point.ZERO,     size: Size = Size(10000, 10000),     wordWrap: Boolean = true,     includePartialLines: Boolean = false,     ellipsis: String? = null,     fill: Paint? = null,     stroke: Stroke? = null,     align: TextAlignment = TextAlignment.TOP_LEFT,     includeFirstLineAlways: Boolean = true)
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fun ellipse(center: Point, radius: Size, color: RGBA = this.multiplyColor, filtering: Boolean = this.filtering)
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fun ellipseOutline(center: Point, radius: Size, lineWidth: Double = 1.0, color: RGBA = this.multiplyColor, filtering: Boolean = this.filtering)
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inline fun getTexture(slice: BmpSlice): TextureCoords
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fun imageScale(texture: Texture, pos: Point, scale: Double = 1.0, filtering: Boolean = this.filtering)

Renders a texture with the blendMode at x, y scaling it by scale. The texture colors will be multiplied by multiplyColor. Since it is multiplicative, white won't cause any effect.

fun imageScale(texture: Texture, x: Double, y: Double, scale: Double = 1.0, filtering: Boolean = this.filtering)
fun imageScale(texture: Texture, x: Float, y: Float, scale: Float = 1.0f, filtering: Boolean = this.filtering)
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inline fun <T> keep(crossinline callback: () -> T): T

Executes callback restoring the transform matrix, the blendMode and the multiplyColor at the end

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inline fun <T> keepBlendMode(crossinline callback: () -> T): T

Executes callback restoring the initial blendFactors at the end

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inline fun <T> keepColor(crossinline callback: () -> T): T

Executes callback restoring the initial multiplyColor at the end

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inline fun <T> keepFiltering(crossinline callback: () -> T): T

Executes callback restoring the initial filtering at the end

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inline fun <T> keepMatrix(crossinline callback: () -> T): T

Executes callback restoring the initial transformation MMatrix at the end

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inline fun <T> keepSize(crossinline callback: () -> T): T
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fun RenderContext2D.materialRoundRect(    x: Double,     y: Double,     width: Double,     height: Double,     color: RGBA = Colors.RED,     radius: RectCorners = RectCorners.EMPTY,     shadowOffset: Point = Point.ZERO,     shadowColor: RGBA = Colors.BLACK,     shadowRadius: Double = 0.0,     highlightPos: Point = Point.ZERO,     highlightRadius: Double = 0.0,     highlightColor: RGBA = Colors.WHITE,     borderSize: Double = 0.0,     borderColor: RGBA = Colors.WHITE)
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fun quadPaddedCustomProgram(x: Float, y: Float, width: Float, height: Float, program: Program, padding: Margin = Margin.ZERO)
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fun rect(    rect: Rectangle,     color: RGBA = this.multiplyColor,     filtering: Boolean = this.filtering,     bmp: BmpSlice = Bitmaps.white,     program: Program? = null)

Renders a colored rectangle with the multiplyColor with the blendMode at x, y of size widthxheight

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fun rectOutline(rect: Rectangle, border: Float = 1.0f, color: RGBA = this.multiplyColor, filtering: Boolean = this.filtering)

Renders a colored rectangle with the multiplyColor with the blendMode at x, y of size widthxheight

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fun rotate(angle: Angle)

Rotates the current transform matrix by angle

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fun scale(s: Scale)

Scales the current transform matrix by sx and sy

fun scale(scale: Double)
fun scale(sx: Double, sy: Double)
fun scale(sx: Float, sy: Float)

fun scale(scale: Float)

Scales the current transform matrix by scale

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inline fun scissor(scissor: AGScissor, block: () -> Unit)

Temporarily sets the scissor (visible rendering area) to scissor is executed.

inline fun scissor(rect: Rectangle?, block: () -> Unit)

Temporarily sets the scissor (visible rendering area) to rect is executed.

inline fun scissor(x: Double, y: Double, width: Double, height: Double, block: () -> Unit)
inline fun scissor(x: Float, y: Float, width: Float, height: Float, block: () -> Unit)
inline fun scissor(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, block: () -> Unit)

Temporarily sets the scissor (visible rendering area) to x, y, width and height while block is executed.

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fun setMatrix(matrix: Matrix)

Sets the current transform matrix

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fun simplePath(path: VectorPath, color: RGBA = this.multiplyColor, filtering: Boolean = this.filtering)
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fun texturedVertexArray(texturedVertexArray: TexturedVertexArray, filtering: Boolean = this.filtering)
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fun texturedVertexArrayNoTransform(texturedVertexArray: TexturedVertexArray, filtering: Boolean = this.filtering, matrix: Matrix = Matrix.NIL)
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Translates the current transform matrix by dx and dy

fun translate(dx: Double, dy: Double)
fun translate(dx: Float, dy: Float)