Package-level declarations


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class AndroidGameWindow(val activity: KorgwActivity, val config: GameWindowCreationConfig = activity.config) : BaseAndroidGameWindow
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class AndroidGameWindowNoActivity(val width: Int, val height: Int, val ag: AG, val androidContext: Context, val config: GameWindowCreationConfig = GameWindowCreationConfig(), val getView: () -> View) : BaseAndroidGameWindow
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abstract class BaseAndroidGameWindow(val config: GameWindowCreationConfig = GameWindowCreationConfig()) : GameWindow, AndroidContextHolder
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open class BrowserCanvasJsGameWindow(val canvas: HTMLCanvasElement = AGDefaultCanvas()) : JsGameWindow
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interface ClipboardData
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Provides an interface with typical window dialogs and functionality.

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class DialogInterfaceAndroid(val contextProvider: () -> Context) : DialogInterface
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Represents a class that have a reference to a dialogInterface

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data class FileFilter(val entries: List<Pair<String, List<String>>>)
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A GameWindow represents a window, canvas or headless virtual frame where a game is displayed and can receive user events, it provides:

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class GameWindowCoroutineDispatcher(var nowProvider: () -> TimeSpan = { PerformanceCounter.reference }, var fast: Boolean = false) : CoroutineDispatcher, Delay, Closeable
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data class GameWindowCreationConfig(val multithreaded: Boolean? = null, val hdr: Boolean? = null, val msaa: Int? = null, val checkGl: Boolean = false, val logGl: Boolean = false, val cacheGl: Boolean = false, val fullscreen: Boolean? = null, val decorated: Boolean = true, val transparent: Boolean = false, val resizable: Boolean = true)
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open class IosGameWindow(val windowProvider: () -> UIWindow?? = null, val glXViewControllerProvider: () -> MyGLKViewController?? = null) : GameWindow
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object IosKeyMap
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open class IosTvosToolsImpl
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object Korgw
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abstract class KorgwActivity(activityWithResult: ActivityWithResult.Mixin = ActivityWithResult.Mixin(), val config: GameWindowCreationConfig = GameWindowCreationConfig()) : Activity, ActivityWithResult
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open class KorgwSurfaceView(val viewOrActivity: Any?, context: Context, val gameWindow: BaseAndroidGameWindow, val config: GameWindowCreationConfig = gameWindow.config) : GLSurfaceView, GLSurfaceView.Renderer
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class MyGLKViewController(val gameWindowProvider: () -> IosGameWindow = { MyIosGameWindow }, val entry: suspend () -> Unit) : GLKViewController
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class SyncEventLoopCoroutineDispatcher(val eventLoop: SyncEventLoop) : CoroutineDispatcher, Delay, Closeable
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data class TextClipboardData(val text: String, val contentType: String? = null) : ClipboardData
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class ViewController(val entry: suspend ViewController.() -> Unit) : GCEventViewController
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suspend fun DialogInterfaceProvider.alert(message: String)
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fun GameWindow.configure(size: Size, title: String? = "GameWindow", icon: Bitmap? = null, fullscreen: Boolean? = null, bgcolor: RGBA = Colors.BLACK)
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suspend fun DialogInterfaceProvider.openFileDialog(filter: String? = null, write: Boolean = false, multi: Boolean = false): List<VfsFile>
suspend fun DialogInterfaceProvider.openFileDialog(filter: FileFilter? = null, write: Boolean = false, multi: Boolean = false, currentDir: VfsFile? = null): List<VfsFile>
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suspend fun DialogInterfaceProvider.prompt(message: String, default: String = ""): String
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fun runAndroidOnUiThread(context: Context? = null, block: () -> Unit)
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suspend fun <T> runAndroidOnUiThreadSuspend(context: Context? = null, block: () -> T): T
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