
data class DateTimeRange(val from: DateTime, val to: DateTime) : Comparable<DateTime> , Serializable

Represents a right-opened range between two dates.


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constructor(from: DateTime, to: DateTime)


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object Companion


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Duration TimeSpan without having into account actual months/years.

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DateTimeSpan distance between two dates, month and year aware.

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open operator override fun compareTo(other: DateTime): Int
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operator fun contains(date: DateTime): Boolean

Checks if a date is contained in this range.

operator fun contains(other: DateTimeRange): Boolean
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fun intersectionWith(that: DateTimeRange, rightOpen: Boolean = true): DateTimeRange?

Returns new DateTimeRange or null - the result of intersection of this and that DateTimeRanges.

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Returns true if this and that DateTimeRanges have intersection or at least a common end otherwise false.

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fun intersectsWith(that: DateTimeRange, rightOpen: Boolean = true): Boolean

Returns true if this and that DateTimeRanges have intersection otherwise false.

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Returns new DateTimeRange or null - the result of merging this and that DateTimeRanges if they have intersection.

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open override fun toString(): String
fun toString(format: DateFormat): String
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Returns a List of 0, 1 or 2 DateTimeRanges - the result of removing that DateTimeRange from this one