class PageFilter( hratio: Ratio = Ratio.ZERO, hamplitude0: Double = 0.0, hamplitude1: Double = 10.0, hamplitude2: Double = 0.0, vratio: Ratio = Ratio.HALF, vamplitude0: Double = 0.0, vamplitude1: Double = 0.0, vamplitude2: Double = 0.0) : ShaderFilter
A filter that simulates a page of a book.
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The number of pixels the passed texture should be bigger at each direction: left, right, top, left.
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open override fun render( ctx: RenderContext, matrix: Matrix, texture: Texture, texWidth: Int, texHeight: Int, renderColorMul: RGBA, blendMode: BlendMode, filterScale: Double)
The method in charge of rendering the texture transformed using ctx and matrix. The method receives a texture that should be the original image with computeBorder additional pixels on each side.
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fun Filter.renderToTextureWithBorderUnsafe( ctx: RenderContext, matrix: Matrix, texture: Texture, texWidth: Int, texHeight: Int, filterScale: Double, result: RenderToTextureResult = RenderToTextureResult()): RenderToTextureResult