Package-level declarations


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class BlurFilter(radius: Double = 4.0, expandBorder: Boolean = true, var optimize: Boolean = true) : ComposedFilter, FilterWithFiltering
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class ColorMatrixFilter(colorMatrix: Matrix4, blendRatio: Double = 1.0) : ShaderFilter

A Filter applying a complex color transformation to the view.

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A Filter applying a multiplicative and additive color transformation to the view.

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open class ComposedFilter : Filter

Allows to create a single Filter that will render several filters in order.

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class Convolute3Filter(var kernel: Matrix4, dist: Double = 1.0, applyAlpha: Boolean = false) : ShaderFilter

A Filter that will convolute near pixels (3x3) with a kernel.

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class DirectionalBlurFilter(var angle: Angle = 0.degrees, var radius: Double = 4.0, var expandBorder: Boolean = true) : ShaderFilter
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class DitheringFilter(levels: Double = 4.0) : ShaderFilter
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open class DropshadowFilter(var dropX: Double = 10.0, var dropY: Double = 10.0, var shadowColor: RGBA = Colors.BLACK.withAd(0.75), var blurRadius: Double = 4.0, var smoothing: Boolean = true) : FilterWithFiltering
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interface Filter

Interface for View filters.

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class FlagFilter(amplitude: Double = 80.0, crestCount: Double = 5.0, cyclesPerSecond: Double = 2.0, time: TimeSpan = 0.seconds) : ShaderFilter

A Flag Filter that distorts the texture using increasing waves to the right, keeping the left-most vertical static, as if connected to a flag pole.

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open class IdentityFilter(val smoothing: Boolean) : Filter

Simple Filter that draws the texture pixels without any kind of transformation

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class PageFilter(hratio: Ratio = Ratio.ZERO, hamplitude0: Double = 0.0, hamplitude1: Double = 10.0, hamplitude2: Double = 0.0, vratio: Ratio = Ratio.HALF, vamplitude0: Double = 0.0, vamplitude1: Double = 0.0, vamplitude2: Double = 0.0) : ShaderFilter

A filter that simulates a page of a book.

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Abstract class for Views that paints the Texture using a FragmentShader (fragment).

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class SwizzleColorsFilter(initialSwizzle: String = "rgba") : ShaderFilter

Allows to swizzle (interchange) color components via the swizzle property.

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class TransitionFilter(var transition: TransitionFilter.Transition = Transition.CIRCULAR, reversed: Boolean = false, spread: Double = 1.0, ratio: Ratio = Ratio.ONE, filtering: Boolean = false) : ShaderFilter
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class ViewRenderPhaseFilter(var filter: Filter? = null) : ViewRenderPhase
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class WaveFilter(amplitude: Vector2D = Vector2D(10, 10), crestDistance: Vector2D = Vector2D(16, 16), cyclesPerSecond: Vector2D = Vector2D(1, 1), time: TimeSpan = 0.seconds) : ShaderFilter

A Wave Filter that distorts the texture using waves.


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An optional Filter attached to this view. Filters allow to render this view to a texture, and to control how to render that texture (using shaders, repeating the texture, etc.). You add multiple filters by creating a composite filter ComposedFilter.

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Usually a value between 0.0, 1.0


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fun <T : View> T.addFilter(filter: Filter): T
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fun <T : View> T.addFilters(vararg filters: Filter): T
fun <T : View> T.addFilters(filters: List<Filter>): T
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fun <T : View> T.backdropFilters(vararg filter: Filter?): T
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inline fun <T : View> T.filters(vararg filters: Filter, filterScale: Number = this.filterScale): T
inline fun <T : View> T.filters(filters: List<Filter>, filterScale: Number = this.filterScale): T
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inline fun <T : View> T.filterScale(scale: Double): T
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fun Filter.getBorder(texWidth: Int, texHeight: Int): MarginInt
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fun View.removeFilter(filter: Filter)
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fun View.renderFiltered(ctx: RenderContext, filter: Filter, first: Boolean = true)
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fun Filter.renderToTextureWithBorder(ctx: RenderContext, matrix: Matrix, texture: Texture, texWidth: Int, texHeight: Int, filterScale: Double, block: (Texture, matrix: Matrix) -> Unit)
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fun Filter.renderToTextureWithBorderUnsafe(ctx: RenderContext, matrix: Matrix, texture: Texture, texWidth: Int, texHeight: Int, filterScale: Double, result: RenderToTextureResult = RenderToTextureResult()): RenderToTextureResult