Package-level declarations
A Filter applying a complex color transformation to the view.
A Filter applying a multiplicative and additive color transformation to the view.
A Filter that will convolute near pixels (3x3) with a kernel.
A Flag Filter that distorts the texture using increasing waves to the right, keeping the left-most vertical static, as if connected to a flag pole.
Simple Filter that draws the texture pixels without any kind of transformation
A filter that simulates a page of a book.
Abstract class for Views that paints the Texture using a FragmentShader (fragment).
Allows to swizzle (interchange) color components via the swizzle property.
A Wave Filter that distorts the texture using waves.
An optional Filter attached to this view. Filters allow to render this view to a texture, and to control how to render that texture (using shaders, repeating the texture, etc.). You add multiple filters by creating a composite filter ComposedFilter.
Usually a value between 0.0, 1.0