Package-level declarations
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data class AGBatch(var frameBuffer: AGFrameBufferBase, var frameBufferInfo: AGFrameBufferInfo, var vertexData: AGVertexArrayObject = AGVertexArrayObject(AGVertexData(), isDynamic = true), var indices: AGBuffer? = null, var indexType: AGIndexType = AGIndexType.USHORT, var program: Program = DefaultShaders.PROGRAM_DEBUG, var uniformBlocks: UniformBlocksBuffersRef = UniformBlocksBuffersRef.EMPTY, var textureUnits: AGTextureUnits = AGTextureUnits.EMPTY, var blending: AGBlending = AGBlending.NORMAL, var stencilOpFunc: AGStencilOpFunc = AGStencilOpFunc.DEFAULT, var stencilRef: AGStencilReference = AGStencilReference.DEFAULT, var colorMask: AGColorMask = AGColorMask.DEFAULT, var depthAndFrontFace: AGDepthAndFrontFace = AGDepthAndFrontFace.DEFAULT, var scissor: AGScissor = AGScissor.NIL, var cullFace: AGCullFace = AGCullFace.NONE, var drawType: AGDrawType = AGDrawType.TRIANGLES, var drawOffset: Int = 0, var vertexCount: Int = 0, var instances: Int = 1) : AGCommand
Incrementally sets a new state diffing with the previous state, and renders primitives.
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data class AGBlitPixels(var dstFrameBuffer: AGFrameBufferBase, var dstFrameBufferInfo: AGFrameBufferInfo, var dst: AGScissor, var srcFrameBuffer: AGFrameBufferBase, var srcFrameBufferInfo: AGFrameBufferInfo, var src: AGScissor) : AGCommand
Can be emulated by rendering a quad using the texture of the framebuffer and disabling blending modes
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interface AGContainer
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Releases memory for this frameBuffer
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interface AGFeatures
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Encoded in 2 bits
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class AGProgramWithUniforms(val program: Program, val bufferCache: AGProgramWithUniforms.BufferCache = BufferCache())
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data class AGReadPixelsToTexture(var frameBuffer: AGFrameBufferBase, var frameBufferInfo: AGFrameBufferInfo, var region: AGScissor, var texture: AGTexture) : AGCommand
Reads pixels from a region inside a frameBuffer into a texture.
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class AGStats(var texturesCount: Int = 0, var texturesMemory: ByteUnits = ByteUnits.fromBytes(0), var buffersCount: Int = 0, var buffersMemory: ByteUnits = ByteUnits.fromBytes(0), var frameBuffersCount: Int = 0, var frameBuffersMemory: ByteUnits = ByteUnits.fromBytes(0), var texturesCreated: Int = 0, var texturesDeleted: Int = 0, var programCount: Int = 0)
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class AGTexture(val targetKind: AGTextureTargetKind = AGTextureTargetKind.TEXTURE_2D) : AGObject, Closeable
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data class AGVertexArrayObject(val list: FastArrayList<AGVertexData>, val isDynamic: Boolean = true) : Extra
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data class AGVertexData(var layout: VertexLayout = VertexLayout(), val buffer: AGBuffer = AGBuffer(), val baseOffset: Int = 0)
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object DefaultShaders
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interface IDefaultShaders
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object ShaderIndices
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fun AG.draw(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer, vertexData: AGVertexArrayObject, program: Program, drawType: AGDrawType, vertexCount: Int, indices: AGBuffer? = null, indexType: AGIndexType = AGIndexType.USHORT, drawOffset: Int = 0, blending: AGBlending = AGBlending.NORMAL, uniformBlocks: UniformBlocksBuffersRef = UniformBlocksBuffersRef.EMPTY, textureUnits: AGTextureUnits = AGTextureUnits.EMPTY, stencilRef: AGStencilReference = AGStencilReference.DEFAULT, stencilOpFunc: AGStencilOpFunc = AGStencilOpFunc.DEFAULT, colorMask: AGColorMask = AGColorMask.ALL_ENABLED, depthAndFrontFace: AGDepthAndFrontFace = AGDepthAndFrontFace.DEFAULT, scissor: AGScissor = AGScissor.NIL, cullFace: AGCullFace = AGCullFace.NONE, instances: Int = 1)
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fun ProgramWithDefault(vertex: VertexShader = DefaultShaders.VERTEX_DEFAULT, fragment: FragmentShader = DefaultShaders.FRAGMENT_SOLID_COLOR, name: String = "program"): Program
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fun AG.readToTexture(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer, texture: AGTexture, x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0, width: Int = frameBuffer.width, height: Int = frameBuffer.height)
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