
data class TrapezoidInt(val x0a: Int, val x0b: Int, val y0: Int, val x1a: Int, val x1b: Int, val y1: Int)

(x0a, y0) (x0b, y0) +----------+ /
+--------------+ (x1a, y1) (x1b, y1)


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constructor(x0a: Int, x0b: Int, y0: Int, x1a: Int, x1b: Int, y1: Int)


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object Companion


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val baseA: Int
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val baseB: Int
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val height: Int
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val x0a: Int
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val x0b: Int
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val x1a: Int
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val x1b: Int
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val y0: Int
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val y1: Int


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fun inside(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean
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fun triangulate(out: FTrianglesInt = FTrianglesInt()): FTrianglesInt