
class AGMetal : AG


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open override var extra: ExtraType
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open fun afterDoRender()
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open fun beforeDoRender()
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open override fun clear(frameBuffer: AGFrameBufferBase, frameBufferInfo: AGFrameBufferInfo, color: RGBA, depth: Float, stencil: Int, clearColor: Boolean, clearDepth: Boolean, clearStencil: Boolean, scissor: AGScissor)
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fun AG.clear(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer, color: RGBA = Colors.TRANSPARENT, depth: Float = 1.0f, stencil: Int = 0, clearColor: Boolean = true, clearDepth: Boolean = true, clearStencil: Boolean = true, scissor: AGScissor = AGScissor.NIL)
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open fun contextLost()
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open fun dispose()
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open override fun draw(frameBuffer: AGFrameBufferBase, frameBufferInfo: AGFrameBufferInfo, vertexData: AGVertexArrayObject, program: Program, drawType: AGDrawType, vertexCount: Int, indices: AGBuffer?, indexType: AGIndexType, drawOffset: Int, blending: AGBlending, uniformBlocks: UniformBlocksBuffersRef, textureUnits: AGTextureUnits, stencilRef: AGStencilReference, stencilOpFunc: AGStencilOpFunc, colorMask: AGColorMask, depthAndFrontFace: AGDepthAndFrontFace, scissor: AGScissor, cullFace: AGCullFace, instances: Int)
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fun AG.draw(batch: AGBatch)
fun AG.draw(batch: AGMultiBatch)
fun AG.draw(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer, vertexData: AGVertexArrayObject, program: Program, drawType: AGDrawType, vertexCount: Int, indices: AGBuffer? = null, indexType: AGIndexType = AGIndexType.USHORT, drawOffset: Int = 0, blending: AGBlending = AGBlending.NORMAL, uniformBlocks: UniformBlocksBuffersRef = UniformBlocksBuffersRef.EMPTY, textureUnits: AGTextureUnits = AGTextureUnits.EMPTY, stencilRef: AGStencilReference = AGStencilReference.DEFAULT, stencilOpFunc: AGStencilOpFunc = AGStencilOpFunc.DEFAULT, colorMask: AGColorMask = AGColorMask.ALL_ENABLED, depthAndFrontFace: AGDepthAndFrontFace = AGDepthAndFrontFace.DEFAULT, scissor: AGScissor = AGScissor.NIL, cullFace: AGCullFace = AGCullFace.NONE, instances: Int = 1)
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open fun endFrame()
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fun AG.execute(command: AGCommand)
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suspend fun AG.executeUntilFinish(flow: ReceiveChannel<AGCommand>)
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open fun finish()
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fun getStats(out: AGStats = stats): AGStats
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fun AG.readColor(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer): Bitmap32
fun AG.readColor(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer, bitmap: Bitmap32, x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0)
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fun AG.readDepth(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer, out: FloatArray2)
fun AG.readDepth(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer, width: Int, height: Int, out: FloatArray)
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fun AG.readPixel(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer, x: Int, y: Int): RGBA
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fun AG.readStencil(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer, bitmap: Bitmap8)
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open fun readToMemory(frameBuffer: AGFrameBufferBase, frameBufferInfo: AGFrameBufferInfo, x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, data: Any, kind: AGReadKind)
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open override fun readToTexture(frameBuffer: AGFrameBufferBase, frameBufferInfo: AGFrameBufferInfo, texture: AGTexture, x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int)
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fun AG.readToTexture(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer, texture: AGTexture, bounds: RectangleInt)
fun AG.readToTexture(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer, texture: AGTexture, x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0, width: Int = frameBuffer.width, height: Int = frameBuffer.height)
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inline fun <T> setMainFrameBufferTemporarily(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer, block: () -> T): T
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inline fun <T> startEndFrame(block: () -> T): T
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open fun startFrame()