Package-level declarations


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abstract class FiledBasedNativeStorage(val views: Views) : IStorageWithKeys
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interface IStorage

Defines a way of synchronously set and get persistent small values

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interface IStorageKey<T>
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actual class NativeStorage(val views: Views) : IStorageWithKeys
expect class NativeStorage(views: Views) : IStorageWithKeys

Cross-platform way of synchronously storing small data

actual class NativeStorage(views: Views) : IStorageWithKeys
actual class NativeStorage(views: Views) : IStorageWithKeys
actual class NativeStorage(val views: Views) : IStorageWithKeys
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class StorageKey<T>(val storage: IStorage, val key: String, val serialize: (T) -> String, val deserialize: (String?) -> T) : IStorageKey<T>



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operator fun IStorage.contains(key: String): Boolean
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operator fun IStorage.get(key: String): String
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fun <T> IStorage.item(key: String, serialize: (T) -> String, deserialize: (String?) -> T): StorageKey<T>
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fun IStorage.itemBool(key: String, default: Boolean = false): StorageKey<Boolean>
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fun IStorage.itemDouble(key: String, default: Double = 0.0): StorageKey<Double>
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fun IStorage.itemInt(key: String, default: Int = 0): StorageKey<Int>
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fun IStorage.itemString(key: String, default: String = ""): StorageKey<String>
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