Determines if this BigInt is negative
Determines if this BigInt is either negative or zero (non-positive)
Determines if this BigInt is positive
Determines if this BigInt is either positive or zero (non-negative)
Returns this BigInt as positive or zero. Equivalent to if (isNegative) -this else this
Returns a new BigInt with bits combining this, other doing a bitwise &
operation. Forces sign to positive.
Returns a new BigInt with its bits flipped. 0 converts into 1, and 1 into 0. Equivalent to -(this + 1)
Number of leadingZeros with the size of maxBits
Returns a new BigInt with bits combining this, other doing a bitwise |
operation. Forces sign to positive.
Creates a new inclusive BigIntRange ranging from this to that
Square of this number. Equivalent this * this, but might be faster in some implementations.
Converts a BigInt into a BigInteger
Number of trailingZeros with the size of maxBits
Returns a new BigInt with its sign changed. In the case of 0, it returns itself.
Returns this BigInt. A convenience method to make explicit the sign and to have symmetry with unaryMinus.
Returns a new BigInt with bits combining this, other doing a bitwise ^
operation. Forces sign to positive.