Returns a list of all the non-null values of this and the descendants
Shortcut for adjusting the multiplicative alpha value manually. Equivalent to ColorTransform.mA + View.invalidate
Returns the number of ancestors of this view. Views without parents return 0.
An optional Filter attached to this view. Filters allow to render this view to a texture, and to control how to render that texture (using shaders, repeating the texture, etc.). You add multiple filters by creating a composite filter ComposedFilter.
Usually a value between 0.0, 1.0
Returns the global bounds of this object. Note this incurs in allocations. Use getGlobalBounds (out) to avoid it
Global transform Matrix. Matrix that concatenates all the affine transforms of this view and its ancestors.
The inverted version of the globalMatrix
Computed speed combining all the speeds from ancestors
Indicates if this class is a container or not. This is only overridden by Container. This check is performed like this, to avoid type checks. That might be an expensive operation in some targets.
Local transform MMatrix. If you plan to change its components manually instead of setting it directly, you should call the View.invalidate method.
Determines if mouse events will be handled for this view and its children
Indicates if this view is going to propagate the events that reach this node to its children
The concatenated/global version of the local alpha
The concatenated/global version of the local alpha
The actual blendMode of the view after computing the ancestors and reaching a view with a non BlendMode.INHERIT.
The concatenated/global version of the local colorMul
Ratio speed of this node, affecting all the View.addUpdater
Returns the global bounds of this object. Note this incurs in allocations. Use getGlobalBounds (out) to avoid it
Like setTransform but without invalidation. If used at all, should be used with care and invalidate when required.
Allows to clone this view. This method is inadvisable in normal circumstances. This might not work properly if the View doesn't override the createInstance method.
Dumps a view and its children for debugging purposes into a String.
Iterates all the children of this container in normal order of rendering.
Iterates all the children of this container in normal order of rendering.
Iterates all the children of this container in reverse order of rendering.
Iterates all the children of this container in normal order of rendering. Providing an index in addition to the child to the callback.
Iterates all the children of this container in reverse order of rendering.
Iterates all the children of this container in normal order of rendering. Providing an index in addition to the child to the callback.
Iterates all the descendant Views including this calling the handler. Iteration happens in Pre-order (NLR).
Returns the global bounds of this object.
Get local bounds of the view.
Converts the global point p (using root/stage as reference) into the local coordinate system. Allows to define out to avoid allocation.
Checks if this view has the specified ancestor.
Determines the view at the global point defined by xD and yD if any, or null
Invalidates the View after changing some of its properties so the geometry can be computed again. If you change the localMatrix directly, you should call invalidateMatrix instead.
Invalidates the localMatrix, so it gets updated from the decomposed properties: xD, yD, scaleXD, scaleYD, rotation, skewX and skewY.
Computes the local X and Y coordinates of the mouse using the coords from the Views object
Converts the local point p into a global point (using root/stage as reference). Allows to define out to avoid allocation.
Converts the local point p into a point in window coordinates.
Handles a DropFileEvent. The event happens when a drag&drop file over the window happens.
Removes this view from its parent.
Converts a point p in the nearest ancestor marked as View.Reference into the local coordinate system. Allows to define out to avoid allocation.
Scroll ancestors to make this view is visible
Tries to set the global bounds of the object. If there are rotations in the ancestors, this might not work as expected.
Sets the MatrixTransform decomposed version of the transformation, that directly includes xD, yD, scaleXD, scaleYD, rotation, skewX and skewY.