
open class ImageData(val frames: List<ImageFrame>, val loopCount: Int = 0, val width: Int = frames.firstOrNull()?.width ?: 1, val height: Int = frames.firstOrNull()?.height ?: 1, val layers: List<ImageLayer> = fastArrayListOf(), val animations: List<ImageAnimation> = fastArrayListOf(), val name: String? = null) : Extra


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constructor(frames: List<ImageFrame>, loopCount: Int = 0, width: Int = frames.firstOrNull()?.width ?: 1, height: Int = frames.firstOrNull()?.height ?: 1, layers: List<ImageLayer> = fastArrayListOf(), animations: List<ImageAnimation> = fastArrayListOf(), name: String? = null)


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object Companion


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val area: Int
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open override var extra: ExtraType
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val height: Int
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val loopCount: Int = 0
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val name: String? = null
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val width: Int


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suspend fun ImageData.showImagesAndWait(kind: Int = 0)
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open override fun toString(): String