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open override val dialogInterface: DialogInterface


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open suspend fun alert(message: String)

Opens an alert dialog showing a message and an OK button

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suspend fun DialogInterfaceProvider.alert(message: String)
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open suspend fun browse(url: URL)

Opens a url using the default web browser

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open suspend fun confirm(message: String): Boolean

Opens a dialog with a message requesting the user to accept or cancel. It returns true if the user accepted.

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open suspend fun openFileDialog(filter: FileFilter? = null, write: Boolean = false, multi: Boolean = false, currentDir: VfsFile? = null): List<VfsFile>

Opens a file dialog for write or not, selecting multiple files and in an optional currentDir allowing to select specific filter files, and returns a list (that may be empty) of files selected by the user

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suspend fun DialogInterfaceProvider.openFileDialog(filter: String? = null, write: Boolean = false, multi: Boolean = false): List<VfsFile>
suspend fun DialogInterfaceProvider.openFileDialog(filter: FileFilter? = null, write: Boolean = false, multi: Boolean = false, currentDir: VfsFile? = null): List<VfsFile>
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open suspend fun prompt(message: String, default: String = ""): String

Opens a dialog with a message and a default text asking the user to provide a text message and returns it as a String

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suspend fun DialogInterfaceProvider.prompt(message: String, default: String = ""): String