
data class Ray2D : IsAlmostEquals<Ray2D>

Represents an infinite Ray starting at point in the specified direction with an angle


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constructor(point: Point, direction: Vector2D, unit: Unit = Unit)

Constructs a Ray starting from point in the specified direction

constructor(point: Point, angle: Angle)

Constructs a Ray starting from point in the specified angle


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object Companion


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Angle between two points

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Normalized direction of the ray starting at point

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Starting point


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open override fun isAlmostEquals(other: Ray, epsilon: Double): Boolean

Checks if this and otherare equals with an epsilon difference

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fun Ray.toBVH(out: BVHIntervals = BVHIntervals(2)): BVHRay
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fun toLine(length: Double = 100000.0): Line

Converts this Ray into a Line of a specific length starting by point

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open override fun toString(): String
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Checks if this and otherare equals with an epsilon tolerance