
class KeysEvents(val view: View) : Closeable


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constructor(view: View)


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val view: View


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open override fun close()
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fun down(callback: suspend (key: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Closeable
fun down(key: Key, callback: suspend (key: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Closeable
fun down(vararg keys: Key, callback: suspend (key: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Closeable
fun down(keys: Set<Key>, callback: suspend (key: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Closeable
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fun downFrame(key: Key, dt: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, callback: (ke: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Cancellable
fun downFrame(vararg keys: Key, dt: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, callback: (ke: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Cancellable

fun downFrame(keys: List<Key>, dt: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, callback: (ke: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Cancellable

Executes callback on each frame when key is being pressed. When dt is provided, the callback is executed at that dt steps.

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fun downRepeating(    key: Key,     maxDelay: TimeSpan = 500.milliseconds,     minDelay: TimeSpan = 100.milliseconds,     delaySteps: Int = 6,     callback: suspend (ke: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Cancellable
fun downRepeating(    vararg keys: Key,     maxDelay: TimeSpan = 500.milliseconds,     minDelay: TimeSpan = 100.milliseconds,     delaySteps: Int = 6,     callback: suspend (ke: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Cancellable
fun downRepeating(    keys: Set<Key>,     maxDelay: TimeSpan = 500.milliseconds,     minDelay: TimeSpan = 100.milliseconds,     delaySteps: Int = 6,     callback: suspend (ke: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Cancellable
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fun downWithModifiers(    key: Key,     ctrl: Boolean? = null,     shift: Boolean? = null,     alt: Boolean? = null,     meta: Boolean? = null,     callback: suspend (key: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Closeable
fun downWithModifiers(    vararg keys: Key,     ctrl: Boolean? = null,     shift: Boolean? = null,     alt: Boolean? = null,     meta: Boolean? = null,     callback: suspend (key: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Closeable
fun downWithModifiers(    keys: Set<Key>,     ctrl: Boolean? = null,     shift: Boolean? = null,     alt: Boolean? = null,     meta: Boolean? = null,     callback: suspend (key: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Closeable
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fun justDown(key: Key, callback: (ke: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Cancellable
fun justDown(vararg keys: Key, callback: (ke: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Cancellable
fun justDown(keys: List<Key>, callback: (ke: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Cancellable
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fun KeyEvent.setFromKeys(key: Key, keys: InputKeys, dt: TimeSpan, type: KeyEvent.Type = KeyEvent.Type.DOWN): KeyEvent
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fun typed(callback: suspend (key: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Closeable
fun typed(key: Key, callback: suspend (key: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Closeable
fun typed(vararg keys: Key, callback: suspend (key: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Closeable
fun typed(keys: Set<Key>, callback: suspend (key: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Closeable
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fun up(callback: suspend (key: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Closeable
fun up(key: Key, callback: suspend (key: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Closeable
fun up(vararg keys: Key, callback: suspend (key: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Closeable
fun up(keys: Set<Key>, callback: suspend (key: KeyEvent) -> Unit): Closeable
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suspend fun KeysEvents.waitUp(key: Key): KeyEvent
suspend fun KeysEvents.waitUp(filter: (key: KeyEvent) -> Boolean = { true }): KeyEvent