
class AsyncByteArrayDeque(bufferSize: Int = 1024) : IAsyncByteArrayDeque


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constructor(bufferSize: Int = 1024)


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var name: String?


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open suspend override fun close()
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.compressed(method: CompressionMethod, context: CompressionContext = CompressionContext(), bufferSize: Int = AsyncByteArrayDequeChunked.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE): AsyncInputStream
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inline suspend fun AsyncInputStream.consume(autoclose: Boolean = true, temp: ByteArray = ByteArray(0x10000), block: (data: ByteArray, offset: Int, size: Int) -> Unit)
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.copyTo(target: AsyncOutputStream, chunkSize: Int = 8 * 1024 * 1024): Long
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.md5(): Hash
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open suspend override fun read(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int): Int
open suspend fun read(): Int
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suspend fun ByteArray): Int
suspend fun UByteArray): Int
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readBitmap(props: BaseImageDecodingProps = ImageDecodingProps("file.bin")): Bitmap
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readBitmapListNoNative(props: ImageDecodingProps = ImageDecodingProps.DEFAULT): List<Bitmap>
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readBytesUpTo(out: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int): Int
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readCharArray(count: Int, endian: Endian): CharArray
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readDoubleArray(count: Int, endian: Endian): DoubleArray
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readExact(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int)
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readF32(endian: Endian): Float
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readF64(endian: Endian): Double
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readFloatArray(count: Int, endian: Endian): FloatArray
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readImageData(props: BaseImageDecodingProps = ImageDecodingProps.DEFAULT): ImageData
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readIntArray(count: Int, endian: Endian): IntArray
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readLine(eol: Char = '\n', charset: Charset = UTF8, initialCapacity: Int = 4096): String
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readLongArray(count: Int, endian: Endian): LongArray
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readNativeImage(props: BaseImageDecodingProps = ImageDecodingProps.DEFAULT): NativeImage
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readS16(endian: Endian): Int
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readS24(endian: Endian): Int
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readS32(endian: Endian): Int
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readS64(endian: Endian): Long
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readS8(): Int
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readShortArray(count: Int, endian: Endian): ShortArray
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readString(len: Int, charset: Charset = UTF8): String
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readStringz(charset: Charset = UTF8): String
suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readStringz(len: Int, charset: Charset = UTF8): String
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readU16(endian: Endian): Int
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readU24(endian: Endian): Int
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readU32(endian: Endian): Long
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readU8(): Int
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.readUntil(endByte: Byte, limit: Int = 4096, temp: ByteArray = ByteArray(1)): ByteArray
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.sha1(): Hash
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.skip(count: Int)
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open override fun toString(): String
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suspend fun AsyncInputStream.uncompressed(method: CompressionMethod, bufferSize: Int = AsyncByteArrayDequeChunked.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE): AsyncInputStream
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open suspend override fun write(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int, len: Int)
open suspend fun write(byte: Int)
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suspend fun AsyncOutputStream.write8(v: Int)
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suspend fun AsyncOutputStream.writeBytes(data: ByteArray, position: Int, length: Int)
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suspend fun AsyncOutputStream.writeFile(source: VfsFile): Long
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suspend fun AsyncOutputStream.writeString(string: String, charset: Charset = UTF8)
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suspend fun AsyncOutputStream.writeStringz(str: String, charset: Charset = UTF8)
suspend fun AsyncOutputStream.writeStringz(str: String, len: Int, charset: Charset = UTF8)
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inline suspend fun AsyncOutputStream.writeSync(hintSize: Int = 4096, callback: SyncStream.() -> Unit)
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suspend fun AsyncOutputStream.writeTempBytes(size: Int, block: ByteArray.() -> Unit)