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abstract suspend fun close()
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open suspend fun write(byte: Int)
abstract suspend fun write(buffer: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, len: Int = buffer.size - offset)
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suspend fun AsyncOutputStream.write8(v: Int)
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suspend fun AsyncOutputStream.writeBytes(data: ByteArray, position: Int, length: Int)
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suspend fun AsyncOutputStream.writeFile(source: VfsFile): Long
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suspend fun AsyncOutputStream.writeString(string: String, charset: Charset = UTF8)
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suspend fun AsyncOutputStream.writeStringz(str: String, charset: Charset = UTF8)
suspend fun AsyncOutputStream.writeStringz(str: String, len: Int, charset: Charset = UTF8)
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inline suspend fun AsyncOutputStream.writeSync(hintSize: Int = 4096, callback: SyncStream.() -> Unit)
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suspend fun AsyncOutputStream.writeTempBytes(size: Int, block: ByteArray.() -> Unit)