

Link copied to clipboard
constructor(server: FakeHttpServer)


Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
val redirect: HttpClient? = null
Link copied to clipboard


Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
fun onRequest(method: Http.Method? = null, url: String? = null, headers: Http.Headers? = null): FakeHttpClient.ResponseBuilder
Link copied to clipboard
suspend fun post(url: String, data: HttpBodyContent, headers: Http.Headers = Http.Headers(), config: HttpClient.RequestConfig = RequestConfig.DEFAULT): HttpClient.Response
Link copied to clipboard
suspend fun readBytes(url: String, config: HttpClient.RequestConfig = RequestConfig()): ByteArray
Link copied to clipboard
suspend fun readJson(url: String, config: HttpClient.RequestConfig = RequestConfig()): Any?
Link copied to clipboard
suspend fun readString(url: String, config: HttpClient.RequestConfig = RequestConfig()): String
Link copied to clipboard
suspend fun request(method: Http.Method, url: String, headers: Http.Headers = Http.Headers(), content: AsyncInputStreamWithLength? = null, config: HttpClient.RequestConfig = RequestConfig.DEFAULT): HttpClient.Response
suspend fun request(method: Http.Method, url: String, data: HttpBodyContent, headers: Http.Headers = Http.Headers(), config: HttpClient.RequestConfig = RequestConfig.DEFAULT): HttpClient.Response
Link copied to clipboard
suspend fun requestAsBytes(method: Http.Method, url: String, headers: Http.Headers = Http.Headers(), content: AsyncStream? = null, config: HttpClient.RequestConfig = RequestConfig()): HttpClient.CompletedResponse<ByteArray>
Link copied to clipboard
suspend fun requestAsString(method: Http.Method, url: String, headers: Http.Headers = Http.Headers(), content: AsyncStream? = null, config: HttpClient.RequestConfig = RequestConfig()): HttpClient.CompletedResponse<String>
Link copied to clipboard