Package-level declarations


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class TweenComponent(val view: BaseView, vs: List<V2<*>>, val time: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, val easing: Easing = DEFAULT_EASING, val callback: (Float) -> Unit, val c: CancellableContinuation<Unit>?, val waitTime: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, val autoInvalidate: Boolean = true)
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data class V2<V>(val key: KMutableProperty0<V>, var initial: V, val end: V, val interpolator: (Ratio, V, V) -> V, val includeStart: Boolean, val startTime: TimeSpan = 0.nanoseconds, val duration: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, initialization: () -> Unit? = null)


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fun <V> V2<V>.clamped(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.delay(startTime: TimeSpan): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.duration(duration: TimeSpan): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.ease(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeClampEnd(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeClampMiddle(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeClampStart(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeIn(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeInBack(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeInBounce(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeInElastic(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeInOld(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeInOut(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeInOutBack(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeInOutBounce(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeInOutElastic(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeInOutOld(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeInOutQuad(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeInQuad(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeOut(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeOutBack(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeOutBounce(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeOutElastic(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeOutInBack(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeOutInBounce(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeOutInElastic(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeOutInOld(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeOutOld(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeOutQuad(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.easeSine(): V2<V>
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fun <V> V2<V>.easing(easing: Easing): V2<V>
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@JvmName(name = "getMutableProperty")
operator fun <V : Interpolable<V>> KMutableProperty0<V>.get(end: V): V2<V>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<ColorAdd>.get(end: ColorAdd): V2<ColorAdd>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<RGBA>.get(end: RGBA): V2<RGBA>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Angle>.get(end: Angle): V2<Angle>
@JvmName(name = "getIPoint")
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<MPoint>.get(range: PointList): V2<MPoint>
@JvmName(name = "getMutablePropertyPoint")
operator fun KMutableProperty0<Matrix>.get(end: Matrix): V2<Matrix>
@JvmName(name = "getMutablePropertyScale")
operator fun KMutableProperty0<Scale>.get(end: Scale): V2<Scale>
@JvmName(name = "getMutablePropertySize")
operator fun KMutableProperty0<Size>.get(end: Size): V2<Size>
@JvmName(name = "getPoint")
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Point>.get(range: PointList): V2<Point>
@JvmName(name = "getMutablePropertyPoint")
operator fun KMutableProperty0<Point>.get(end: Point): V2<Point>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Ratio>.get(end: Ratio): V2<Ratio>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Double>.get(end: Double): V2<Double>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Double>.get(end: Float): V2<Double>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Double>.get(end: Int): V2<Double>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Double>.get(end: Long): V2<Double>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Double>.get(end: Number): V2<Double>
@JvmName(name = "getFloat")
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Float>.get(end: Double): V2<Float>
@JvmName(name = "getFloat")
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Float>.get(end: Float): V2<Float>
@JvmName(name = "getFloat")
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Float>.get(end: Int): V2<Float>
@JvmName(name = "getFloat")
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Float>.get(end: Long): V2<Float>
@JvmName(name = "getFloat")
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Float>.get(end: Number): V2<Float>
@JvmName(name = "getInt")
operator fun KMutableProperty0<Int>.get(end: Int): V2<Int>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<TimeSpan>.get(end: TimeSpan): V2<TimeSpan>
@JvmName(name = "getMutableProperty")
operator fun <V : Interpolable<V>> KMutableProperty0<V>.get(initial: V, end: V): V2<V>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<ColorAdd>.get(initial: ColorAdd, end: ColorAdd): V2<ColorAdd>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<RGBA>.get(initial: RGBA, end: RGBA): V2<RGBA>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Angle>.get(initial: Angle, end: Angle): V2<Angle>
@JvmName(name = "getMutablePropertyPoint")
operator fun KMutableProperty0<Matrix>.get(initial: Matrix, end: Matrix): V2<Matrix>
@JvmName(name = "getMutablePropertyScale")
operator fun KMutableProperty0<Scale>.get(initial: Scale, end: Scale): V2<Scale>
@JvmName(name = "getMutablePropertySize")
operator fun KMutableProperty0<Size>.get(initial: Size, end: Size): V2<Size>
@JvmName(name = "getMutablePropertyPoint")
operator fun KMutableProperty0<Point>.get(initial: Point, end: Point): V2<Point>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Ratio>.get(initial: Ratio, end: Ratio): V2<Ratio>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Double>.get(initial: Double, end: Double): V2<Double>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Double>.get(initial: Float, end: Float): V2<Double>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Double>.get(initial: Int, end: Int): V2<Double>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Double>.get(initial: Long, end: Long): V2<Double>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Double>.get(initial: Number, end: Number): V2<Double>
@JvmName(name = "getFloat")
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Float>.get(initial: Double, end: Double): V2<Float>
@JvmName(name = "getFloat")
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Float>.get(initial: Float, end: Float): V2<Float>
@JvmName(name = "getFloat")
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Float>.get(initial: Int, end: Int): V2<Float>
@JvmName(name = "getFloat")
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Float>.get(initial: Long, end: Long): V2<Float>
@JvmName(name = "getFloat")
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Float>.get(initial: Number, end: Number): V2<Float>
@JvmName(name = "getInt")
operator fun KMutableProperty0<Int>.get(initial: Int, end: Int): V2<Int>
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<TimeSpan>.get(initial: TimeSpan, end: TimeSpan): V2<TimeSpan>
@JvmName(name = "getIPoint")
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<MPoint>.get(path: VectorPath, includeLastPoint: Boolean = path.isLastCommandClose, reversed: Boolean = false): V2<MPoint>
@JvmName(name = "getPoint")
inline operator fun KMutableProperty0<Point>.get(path: VectorPath, includeLastPoint: Boolean = path.isLastCommandClose, reversed: Boolean = false): V2<Point>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.linear(): V2<V>
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inline fun <V> V2<V>.smooth(): V2<V>
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suspend fun QView.tween(vararg vs: V2<*>, time: TimeSpan = DEFAULT_TIME, easing: Easing = DEFAULT_EASING, waitTime: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, callback: (Float) -> Unit = { })

suspend fun BaseView?.tween(vararg vs: V2<*>, time: TimeSpan = DEFAULT_TIME, easing: Easing = DEFAULT_EASING, waitTime: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, timeout: Boolean = false, autoInvalidate: Boolean = true, callback: (Float) -> Unit = { })

Creates a tween that will take a specified time to execute, with an optional easing.

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suspend fun BaseView?.tweenAsync(vararg vs: V2<*>, time: TimeSpan = DEFAULT_TIME, easing: Easing = DEFAULT_EASING, waitTime: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, callback: (Float) -> Unit = {}): Deferred<Unit>
fun BaseView?.tweenAsync(vararg vs: V2<*>, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, time: TimeSpan = DEFAULT_TIME, easing: Easing = DEFAULT_EASING, waitTime: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, callback: (Float) -> Unit = {}): Deferred<Unit>
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fun BaseView?.tweenNoWait(vararg vs: V2<*>, time: TimeSpan = DEFAULT_TIME, easing: Easing = DEFAULT_EASING, waitTime: TimeSpan = TimeSpan.NIL, callback: (Float) -> Unit = { }): TweenComponent?
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fun V2Callback(init: () -> Unit = {}, callback: (Ratio) -> Unit): V2<Unit>
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fun <T> V2CallbackT(initial: T, init: () -> Unit = {}, callback: (Ratio) -> T): V2<T>
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fun V2Lazy(callback: () -> V2<*>): V2<Unit>