Package-level declarations


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class ObservableProperty<T>(val name: String, val internalSet: (T) -> Unit, val internalGet: () -> T)
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class ViewAction(val name: String, val action: Views.(instance: Any) -> Unit)

Used by the debugger to make a button to appear

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class ViewActionList(val actions: List<ViewAction>)
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annotation class ViewProperty(val min: Double = 0.0, val max: Double = 2000.0, val clampMin: Boolean = false, val clampMax: Boolean = false, val decimalPlaces: Int = 2, val groupName: String = "", val order: Int = 0, val name: String = "", val editable: Boolean = true)

Used by the debugger to make a property to appear in the debug panel.

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annotation class ViewPropertyFileRef(val extensions: Array<String>)
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annotation class ViewPropertyProvider(val provider: KClass<out ViewPropertyProvider.Impl<*, *>>)
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annotation class ViewPropertySubTree


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@JvmName(name = "ObservablePropertyRatio_toDouble")
fun ObservableProperty<Ratio>.toDouble(): ObservableProperty<Double>
@JvmName(name = "ObservablePropertyFloat_toDouble")
fun ObservableProperty<Float>.toDouble(): ObservableProperty<Double>
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fun <T, R> ObservableProperty<T>.transform(convert: (T) -> R, rconvert: (R) -> T): ObservableProperty<R>