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Gets a BitmapFont from the font, that is going to be computed lazily as glyphs are required.
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fun <T> Font.drawText(ctx: Context2d?, size: Double, text: T, paint: Paint?, pos: Point = Point.ZERO, fill: Boolean = true, renderer: TextRenderer<T> = DefaultStringTextRenderer as TextRenderer<T>, align: TextAlignment = TextAlignment.BASELINE_LEFT, outMetrics: TextMetricsResult? = null, fillStyle: Paint? = null, stroke: Stroke? = null, textRangeStart: Int = 0, textRangeEnd: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE, placed: TextRendererActions.(codePoint: Int, Point, size: Double, metrics: GlyphMetrics, fmetrics: FontMetrics, transform: Matrix) -> Unit? = null): TextMetricsResult?
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open override fun getGlyphMetrics(size: Double, codePoint: Int, metrics: GlyphMetrics, reader: WStringReader?): GlyphMetrics
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fun <T> Font.getTextBounds(size: Double, text: T, out: TextMetrics = TextMetrics(), renderer: TextRenderer<T> = DefaultStringTextRenderer as TextRenderer<T>, align: TextAlignment = TextAlignment.TOP_LEFT): TextMetrics
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fun <T> Font.getTextBoundsWithGlyphs(size: Double, text: T, renderer: TextRenderer<T> = DefaultStringTextRenderer as TextRenderer<T>, align: TextAlignment = TextAlignment.BASELINE_LEFT): TextMetricsResult
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inline fun <T> Font.registerTemporarily(registry: DefaultFontRegistry, name: String =, block: () -> T): T
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open override fun renderGlyph(ctx: Context2d, size: Double, codePoint: Int, pos: Point, fill: Boolean?, metrics: GlyphMetrics, reader: WStringReader?, beforeDraw: () -> Unit?): Boolean
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fun Font.renderGlyphToBitmap(size: Double, codePoint: Int, paint: Paint = DefaultPaint, fill: Boolean = true, effect: BitmapEffect? = null, border: Int = 1, nativeRendering: Boolean = true, reader: WStringReader? = null): TextToBitmapResult
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fun <T> Font.renderTextToBitmap(size: Double, text: T, paint: Paint = DefaultPaint, background: Paint = NonePaint, fill: Boolean = true, border: Int = 0, renderer: TextRenderer<T> = DefaultStringTextRenderer as TextRenderer<T>, returnGlyphs: Boolean = true, nativeRendering: Boolean = true, drawBorder: Boolean = false): TextToBitmapResult
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inline fun Font.toBitmapFont(fontSize: Number, chars: CharacterSet = CharacterSet.LATIN_ALL, fontName: String =, paint: Paint = Colors.WHITE, mipmaps: Boolean = true, effect: BitmapEffect? = null): BitmapFont
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