Package-level declarations
A Scene where the effective container has a fixed size sceneWidth and sceneHeight, and scales and positions its SceneContainer based on sceneScaleMode and sceneAnchor. Performs a linear or nearest neighborhood interpolation based sceneSmoothing.
A Container that can hold Scenes controllers and contains a history. It changes between scene objects by using the Injector and allow to use Transitions for the change. You can apply a easing to the Transition by calling Transition.withEasing.
A Transition that will blend prev and next by adjusting its alphas
A Transition that will use a transition to show the new scene.
Creates a new SceneContainer, allowing to configure with callback, and attaches the newly created container to the receiver this Container It requires to specify the Views singleton instance, and allows to specify a defaultTransition.
Creates a new Transition with an Easing specified