Package-level declarations


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abstract class CompletableScene<T> : Scene
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abstract class LogScene : Scene
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abstract class OldScaledScene : Scene
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abstract class PixelatedScene(sceneWidth: Int, sceneHeight: Int, sceneScaleMode: ScaleMode = ScaleMode.SHOW_ALL, sceneAnchor: Anchor = Anchor.CENTER, sceneSmoothing: Boolean = false) : ScaledScene
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abstract class ScaledScene(sceneWidth: Int, sceneHeight: Int, sceneScaleMode: ScaleMode = ScaleMode.SHOW_ALL, sceneAnchor: Anchor = Anchor.CENTER, sceneSmoothing: Boolean = true) : Scene

A Scene where the effective container has a fixed size sceneWidth and sceneHeight, and scales and positions its SceneContainer based on sceneScaleMode and sceneAnchor. Performs a linear or nearest neighborhood interpolation based sceneSmoothing.

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abstract class Scene : InjectorDependency, ViewsContainer, CoroutineScope, ResourcesContainer, Extra

Acts as a controller. Subclasses must override at least one of: sceneInit or sceneMain.

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class SceneContainer(val views: Views, val defaultTransition: Transition = AlphaTransition.withEasing(Easing.EASE_IN_OUT_QUAD), name: String = "sceneContainer", size: Size = views.stage.size) : UIView, CoroutineScope

A Container that can hold Scenes controllers and contains a history. It changes between scene objects by using the Injector and allow to use Transitions for the change. You can apply a easing to the Transition by calling Transition.withEasing.

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interface Transition
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A View that will render prev and next views using the specified transition. You can set the prev and next views by calling setViews.


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A Transition that will blend prev and next by adjusting its alphas


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inline suspend fun <T : CompletableScene<R>, R> SceneContainer.changeToResult(vararg injects: Any, time: TimeSpan = 0.milliseconds, transition: Transition = AlphaTransition): R
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suspend fun Scene.delay(time: TimeSpan)
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fun MaskTransition(transition: TransitionFilter.Transition = TransitionFilter.Transition.CIRCULAR, reversed: Boolean = false, spread: Double = 1.0, filtering: Boolean = true): Transition

A Transition that will use a transition to show the new scene.

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inline suspend fun Container.sceneContainer(defaultTransition: Transition = AlphaTransition.withEasing(Easing.EASE_IN_OUT_QUAD), name: String = "sceneContainer", size: Size = Size.ZERO, callback: SceneContainer.() -> Unit = {}): SceneContainer

inline fun Container.sceneContainer(views: Views, defaultTransition: Transition = AlphaTransition.withEasing(Easing.EASE_IN_OUT_QUAD), name: String = "sceneContainer", size: Size = Size(0f, 0f), callback: SceneContainer.() -> Unit = {}): SceneContainer

Creates a new SceneContainer, allowing to configure with callback, and attaches the newly created container to the receiver this Container It requires to specify the Views singleton instance, and allows to specify a defaultTransition.

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fun Transition(name: String = "Transition", render: (ctx: RenderContext, prev: View, next: View, ratio: Ratio) -> Unit): Transition
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fun TransitionCreate(name: String = "Transition", block: () -> TransitionProcess): Transition
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fun TransitionProcess(name: String = "Transition", render: (ctx: RenderContext, prev: View, next: View, ratio: Ratio) -> Unit): TransitionProcess
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Creates a new Transition with an Easing specified