Package-level declarations
Analogous to StringBuilder but for ByteArray. Allows to append values to end calling toByteArray. Provides some methods like s16LE or f32BE to append specific bit representations easily.
Returns the address of the beginning of this array or if it is empty another valid non-null address
Gets the underlying array of this
Gets the underlying array of this
Gets the underlying array of this
Analogous to buildString but for ByteArray
Analogous to buildString but for ByteArray (Provides shortcuts for writing Big Endian bit values)
Analogous to buildString but for ByteArray (Provides shortcuts for writing Little Endian bit values)
Returns the number of leading ones of the bits of this integer
Returns the number of leading zeros of the bits of this integer
Returns the number of trailing ones of the bits of this integer
Returns the number of trailing zeros of the bits of this integer
Returns the float representation of this memory bits
Returns the float representation of this memory bits
Returns the bits in memory of this float
Returns the bits in memory of this float
Reverse the bits of this Int: abcdef...z -> z...fedcba
Rotates this bits to the left
Rotates this bits to the right