Package-level declarations


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interface BaseBuffer
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expect class Buffer
actual class Buffer
actual class Buffer
actual class Buffer
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class ByteArrayBuilder(var data: ByteArray, size: Int = data.size, val allowGrow: Boolean = true)

Analogous to StringBuilder but for ByteArray. Allows to append values to end calling toByteArray. Provides some methods like s16LE or f32BE to append specific bit representations easily.

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inline class ByteArrayBuilderBE(val bab: ByteArrayBuilder)
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inline class ByteArrayBuilderLE(val bab: ByteArrayBuilder)
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class ByteArrayReader(val data: ByteArray, val start: Int, val size: Int = 0)
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inline class ByteArrayReaderBE(val bar: ByteArrayReader)
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inline class ByteArrayReaderLE(val bar: ByteArrayReader)
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typealias DataView = Buffer
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value class Float64Buffer(val buffer: Buffer) : TypedBuffer
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inline class FloatArrayFromIntArray(val base: IntArray)

View of base reinterpreted as Float

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value class Int16Buffer(val buffer: Buffer) : TypedBuffer
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value class Int64Buffer(val buffer: Buffer) : TypedBuffer
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value class Int8Buffer(val buffer: Buffer) : TypedBuffer
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open class KmemGCImpl
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inline class NInt(val data: CPointer<IntVar>?)
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inline class UByteArrayInt(val data: ByteArray)

View of bytes reinterpreted as Int

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value class Uint32Buffer(val buffer: Buffer) : TypedBuffer
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inline class UShortArrayInt(val data: ShortArray)

View of shorts reinterpreted as Int


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Get high 32-bits of this Long

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Get low 32-bits of this Long

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Get high 32-bits of this Long

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expect val KmemGC: KmemGCImpl
actual val KmemGC: KmemGCImpl
actual val KmemGC: KmemGCImpl
actual val KmemGC: KmemGCImpl
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val Long.low: Int

Get low 32-bits of this Long

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val Buffer.nioBuffer: <Error class: unknown class>
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val Buffer.nioFloatBuffer: <Error class: unknown class>
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val Buffer.nioIntBuffer: <Error class: unknown class>
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fun ByteArrayBuilderBE.append(array: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, len: Int = array.size - offset)
fun ByteArrayBuilderLE.append(array: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, len: Int = array.size - offset)
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fun arrayadd(array: Float32Buffer, value: Float, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayadd(array: Float64Buffer, value: Double, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayadd(array: Int16Buffer, value: Short, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayadd(array: Int32Buffer, value: Int, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayadd(array: Int8Buffer, value: Byte, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayadd(array: Uint16Buffer, value: Short, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayadd(array: Uint8Buffer, value: Byte, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayadd(array: ByteArray, value: Byte, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayadd(array: DoubleArray, value: Double, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayadd(array: FloatArray, value: Float, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayadd(array: IntArray, value: Int, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayadd(array: LongArray, value: Long, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayadd(array: ShortArray, value: Short, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
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fun arraycmp(src: Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Int
fun <T : Comparable<T>> arraycmp(src: Array<T>, srcPos: Int, dst: Array<T>, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Int
fun arraycmp(src: BooleanArray, srcPos: Int, dst: BooleanArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Int
fun arraycmp(src: ByteArray, srcPos: Int, dst: ByteArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Int
fun arraycmp(src: CharArray, srcPos: Int, dst: CharArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Int
fun arraycmp(src: DoubleArray, srcPos: Int, dst: DoubleArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Int
fun arraycmp(src: FloatArray, srcPos: Int, dst: FloatArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Int
fun arraycmp(src: IntArray, srcPos: Int, dst: IntArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Int
fun arraycmp(src: LongArray, srcPos: Int, dst: LongArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Int
fun arraycmp(src: ShortArray, srcPos: Int, dst: ShortArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Int
fun <T : Comparable<T>> arraycmp(src: List<T>, srcPos: Int, dst: List<T>, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Int
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fun arraycopy(src: Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: ByteArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: Float32Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: Float32Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: Float32Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: FloatArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: Float64Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: Float64Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: Float64Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: DoubleArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: Int16Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: Int16Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: Int16Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: ShortArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: Int32Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: Int32Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: Int32Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: IntArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: Int64Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: Int64Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: Int64Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: LongArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: Int8Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: Int8Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: Int8Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: ByteArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: UByteArrayInt, srcPos: Int, dst: UByteArrayInt, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: UByteArrayInt, srcPos: Int, dst: Uint8Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: UShortArrayInt, srcPos: Int, dst: UShortArrayInt, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: UShortArrayInt, srcPos: Int, dst: Uint16Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: Uint16Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: UShortArrayInt, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: Uint16Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: Uint16Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: Uint8Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: UByteArrayInt, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: Uint8Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: Uint8Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: ByteArray, srcPos: Int, dst: Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: ByteArray, srcPos: Int, dst: Int8Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: DoubleArray, srcPos: Int, dst: Float64Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: FloatArray, srcPos: Int, dst: Float32Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: IntArray, srcPos: Int, dst: Int32Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: LongArray, srcPos: Int, dst: Int64Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: ShortArray, srcPos: Int, dst: Int16Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
inline fun <T> arraycopy(size: Int, src: Any?, srcPos: Int, dst: Any?, dstPos: Int, setDst: (Int, T) -> Unit, getSrc: (Int) -> T)

fun <T> arraycopy(src: Array<out T>, srcPos: Int, dst: Array<out T>, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: BooleanArray, srcPos: Int, dst: BooleanArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: ByteArray, srcPos: Int, dst: ByteArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: CharArray, srcPos: Int, dst: CharArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: DoubleArray, srcPos: Int, dst: DoubleArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: FloatArray, srcPos: Int, dst: FloatArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: IntArray, srcPos: Int, dst: IntArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: LongArray, srcPos: Int, dst: LongArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopy(src: ShortArray, srcPos: Int, dst: ShortArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int)
fun <T> arraycopy(src: List<T>, srcPos: Int, dst: MutableList<T>, dstPos: Int, size: Int)

Copies size elements of src starting at srcPos into dst at dstPos

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fun arraycopyStride(src: ByteArray, srcPos: Int, srcStride: Int, dst: ByteArray, dstPos: Int, dstStride: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopyStride(src: FloatArray, srcPos: Int, srcStride: Int, dst: FloatArray, dstPos: Int, dstStride: Int, size: Int)
inline fun <T> arraycopyStride(src: (Int) -> T, srcPos: Int, srcStride: Int, dst: (Int, T) -> Unit, dstPos: Int, dstStride: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopyStride(src: IntArray, srcPos: Int, srcStride: Int, dst: IntArray, dstPos: Int, dstStride: Int, size: Int)
fun arraycopyStride(src: ShortArray, srcPos: Int, srcStride: Int, dst: ShortArray, dstPos: Int, dstStride: Int, size: Int)
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fun arrayequal(src: Buffer, srcPos: Int, dst: Buffer, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Boolean
fun <T> arrayequal(src: Array<T>, srcPos: Int, dst: Array<T>, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Boolean
fun arrayequal(src: BooleanArray, srcPos: Int, dst: BooleanArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Boolean
fun arrayequal(src: ByteArray, srcPos: Int, dst: ByteArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Boolean
fun arrayequal(src: CharArray, srcPos: Int, dst: CharArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Boolean
fun arrayequal(src: DoubleArray, srcPos: Int, dst: DoubleArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Boolean
fun arrayequal(src: FloatArray, srcPos: Int, dst: FloatArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Boolean
fun arrayequal(src: IntArray, srcPos: Int, dst: IntArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Boolean
fun arrayequal(src: LongArray, srcPos: Int, dst: LongArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Boolean
fun arrayequal(src: ShortArray, srcPos: Int, dst: ShortArray, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Boolean
fun <T> arrayequal(src: List<T>, srcPos: Int, dst: List<T>, dstPos: Int, size: Int): Boolean
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fun arrayfill(array: Buffer, value: Int, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)

fun <T> arrayfill(array: Array<T>, value: T, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayfill(array: BooleanArray, value: Boolean, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayfill(array: ByteArray, value: Byte, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayfill(array: DoubleArray, value: Double, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayfill(array: FloatArray, value: Float, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayfill(array: IntArray, value: Int, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayfill(array: LongArray, value: Long, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)
fun arrayfill(array: ShortArray, value: Short, start: Int = 0, end: Int = array.size)

Fills the array with the value starting a start end ending at end (end is not inclusive)

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fun arrayinterleave(out: ByteArray, outPos: Int, array1: ByteArray, array1Pos: Int, array2: ByteArray, array2Pos: Int, size: Int)
fun arrayinterleave(out: FloatArray, outPos: Int, array1: FloatArray, array1Pos: Int, array2: FloatArray, array2Pos: Int, size: Int)
fun arrayinterleave(out: IntArray, outPos: Int, array1: IntArray, array1Pos: Int, array2: IntArray, array2Pos: Int, size: Int)
fun arrayinterleave(out: ShortArray, outPos: Int, array1: ShortArray, array1Pos: Int, array2: ShortArray, array2Pos: Int, size: Int)
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Gets the underlying array of this

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Creates a view of this reinterpreted as Float

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Gets the underlying array of this

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Gets the underlying array of this

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Creates a view of this reinterpreted as Int

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Creates a view of this reinterpreted as Int

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fun bit(bit: Int): Int

Creates an integer with only bit bit set

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inline fun <T> BufferTemp(size: Int, callback: (Buffer) -> T): T
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inline fun buildByteArray(capacity: Int = 4096, callback: ByteArrayBuilder.() -> Unit): ByteArray

Analogous to buildString but for ByteArray

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inline fun buildByteArrayBE(capacity: Int = 4096, callback: ByteArrayBuilderBE.() -> Unit): ByteArray

Analogous to buildString but for ByteArray (Provides shortcuts for writing Big Endian bit values)

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inline fun buildByteArrayLE(capacity: Int = 4096, callback: ByteArrayBuilderLE.() -> Unit): ByteArray

Analogous to buildString but for ByteArray (Provides shortcuts for writing Little Endian bit values)

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fun <Error class: unknown class>.clearSafe()
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fun Buffer.clone(direct: Boolean = false): Buffer
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fun Buffer.copyOf(newSize: Int): Buffer
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Returns the number of leading ones of the bits of this integer

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inline fun Int.countLeadingZeros(): Int

Returns the number of leading zeros of the bits of this integer

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Returns the number of trailing ones of the bits of this integer

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Returns the number of trailing zeros of the bits of this integer

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inline fun Int.extract(offset: Int): Boolean

Extracts a bits at offset from this (returning a Boolean)

fun Int.extract(offset: Int, count: Int): Int

Extracts count bits at offset from this

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inline fun Int.extract1(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 1 bit at offset from this

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inline fun Int.extract10(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 10 bits at offset from this

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inline fun Int.extract11(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 11 bits at offset from this

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inline fun Int.extract12(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 12 bits at offset from this

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inline fun Int.extract13(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 13 bits at offset from this

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inline fun Int.extract14(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 14 bits at offset from this

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inline fun Int.extract15(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 15 bits at offset from this

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inline fun Int.extract16(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 16 bits at offset from this

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fun Int.extract16Signed(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 16 bits at offset from this sign-extending its result

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inline fun Int.extract2(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 2 bits at offset from this

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inline fun Int.extract24(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 24 bits at offset from this

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inline fun Int.extract3(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 3 bits at offset from this

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inline fun Int.extract4(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 4 bits at offset from this

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inline fun Int.extract5(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 5 bits at offset from this

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inline fun Int.extract6(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 6 bits at offset from this

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inline fun Int.extract7(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 7 bits at offset from this

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inline fun Int.extract8(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 8 bits at offset from this

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fun Int.extract8Signed(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 8 bits at offset from this sign-extending its result

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inline fun Int.extract9(offset: Int): Int

Extracts 9 bits at offset from this

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inline fun Int.extractBool(offset: Int): Boolean

Extracts a bits at offset from this (returning a Boolean)

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fun Int.extractByte(offset: Int): Byte

Extracts 8 bits at offset from this as Byte

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fun Int.extractScaled(offset: Int, count: Int, scale: Int): Int

Extracts count at offset from this and convert the possible values into the range 0x00..scale

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fun Int.extractScaledf01(offset: Int, count: Int): Float

Extracts count at offset from this and convert the possible values into the range 0.0..1.0

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fun Int.extractScaledFF(offset: Int, count: Int): Int

Extracts count at offset from this and convert the possible values into the range 0x00..0xFF

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fun Int.extractScaledFFDefault(offset: Int, count: Int, default: Int): Int

Extracts count at offset from this and convert the possible values into the range 0x00..0xFF (if there are 0 bits, returns default)

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fun Int.extractShort(offset: Int): Short

Extracts 16 bits at offset from this as Short

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fun Int.extractSigned(offset: Int, count: Int): Int

Extracts count bits at offset from this sign-extending its result

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inline fun Int.fastForEachOneBits(block: (Int) -> Unit)
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fun Int.finsert(value: Boolean, offset: Int): Int

fun Int.finsert(value: Int, offset: Int): Int

Fast Insert: do not clear bits, assume affecting bits are 0

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fun Int.finsert1(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.finsert12(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.finsert16(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.finsert2(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.finsert24(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.finsert3(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.finsert4(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.finsert5(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.finsert6(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.finsert7(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.finsert8(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun <Error class: unknown class>.flipSafe()
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fun Buffer.getArrayFloat32(index: Int, out: FloatArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - offset): FloatArray
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fun Buffer.getArrayFloat64(index: Int, out: DoubleArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - offset): DoubleArray
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fun Buffer.getArrayInt16(index: Int, out: ShortArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - offset): ShortArray
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fun Buffer.getArrayInt32(index: Int, out: IntArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - offset): IntArray
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fun Buffer.getArrayInt64(index: Int, out: LongArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - offset): LongArray
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fun Buffer.getArrayInt8(index: Int, out: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - offset): ByteArray
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fun Buffer.getArrayUInt16(index: Int, out: UShortArrayInt, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - offset): UShortArrayInt
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fun Buffer.getArrayUInt8(index: Int, out: UByteArrayInt, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - offset): UByteArrayInt
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fun ByteArray.getF16(offset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean): Half
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fun ByteArray.getF16BE(offset: Int): Half
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fun ByteArray.getF16LE(offset: Int): Half
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inline fun Buffer.getF32(byteOffset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean = true): Float
fun ByteArray.getF32(offset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean): Float
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fun Buffer.getF32Array(byteOffset: Int, size: Int, littleEndian: Boolean = true): FloatArray
fun ByteArray.getF32Array(offset: Int, count: Int, littleEndian: Boolean): FloatArray
fun Buffer.getF32Array(byteOffset: Int, out: FloatArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - start, littleEndian: Boolean = true): FloatArray
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fun Buffer.getF32ArrayBE(byteOffset: Int, size: Int): FloatArray
fun ByteArray.getF32ArrayBE(offset: Int, count: Int): FloatArray
fun Buffer.getF32ArrayBE(byteOffset: Int, out: FloatArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - start): FloatArray
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fun Buffer.getF32ArrayLE(byteOffset: Int, size: Int): FloatArray
fun ByteArray.getF32ArrayLE(offset: Int, count: Int): FloatArray
fun Buffer.getF32ArrayLE(byteOffset: Int, out: FloatArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - start): FloatArray
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fun ByteArray.getF32BE(offset: Int): Float
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fun ByteArray.getF32LE(offset: Int): Float
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inline fun Buffer.getF64(byteOffset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean = true): Double
fun ByteArray.getF64(offset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean): Double
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fun Buffer.getF64Array(byteOffset: Int, size: Int, littleEndian: Boolean = true): DoubleArray
fun ByteArray.getF64Array(offset: Int, count: Int, littleEndian: Boolean): DoubleArray
fun Buffer.getF64Array(byteOffset: Int, out: DoubleArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - start, littleEndian: Boolean = true): DoubleArray
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fun Buffer.getF64ArrayBE(byteOffset: Int, size: Int): DoubleArray
fun ByteArray.getF64ArrayBE(offset: Int, count: Int): DoubleArray
fun Buffer.getF64ArrayBE(byteOffset: Int, out: DoubleArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - start): DoubleArray
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fun Buffer.getF64ArrayLE(byteOffset: Int, size: Int): DoubleArray
fun ByteArray.getF64ArrayLE(offset: Int, count: Int): DoubleArray
fun Buffer.getF64ArrayLE(byteOffset: Int, out: DoubleArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - start): DoubleArray
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fun Buffer.getFloat32(index: Int): Float
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fun Buffer.getInt16(index: Int): Short
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fun Buffer.getInt32(index: Int): Int
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fun Buffer.getInt64(index: Int): Long
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fun Buffer.getInt8(index: Int): Byte
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inline fun Buffer.getS16(byteOffset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean = true): Short
fun ByteArray.getS16(offset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean): Int
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fun Buffer.getS16Array(byteOffset: Int, size: Int, littleEndian: Boolean = true): ShortArray
fun ByteArray.getS16Array(offset: Int, count: Int, littleEndian: Boolean): ShortArray
fun Buffer.getS16Array(byteOffset: Int, out: ShortArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - start, littleEndian: Boolean = true): ShortArray
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fun Buffer.getS16ArrayBE(byteOffset: Int, size: Int): ShortArray
fun ByteArray.getS16ArrayBE(offset: Int, count: Int): ShortArray
fun Buffer.getS16ArrayBE(byteOffset: Int, out: ShortArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - start): ShortArray
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fun Buffer.getS16ArrayLE(byteOffset: Int, size: Int): ShortArray
fun ByteArray.getS16ArrayLE(offset: Int, count: Int): ShortArray
fun Buffer.getS16ArrayLE(byteOffset: Int, out: ShortArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - start): ShortArray
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fun ByteArray.getS16BE(offset: Int): Int
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fun ByteArray.getS16LE(offset: Int): Int
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fun ByteArray.getS24(offset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean): Int
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fun ByteArray.getS24BE(offset: Int): Int
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fun ByteArray.getS24LE(offset: Int): Int
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inline fun Buffer.getS32(byteOffset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean = true): Int
fun ByteArray.getS32(offset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean): Int
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fun Buffer.getS32Array(byteOffset: Int, size: Int, littleEndian: Boolean = true): IntArray
fun ByteArray.getS32Array(offset: Int, count: Int, littleEndian: Boolean): IntArray
fun Buffer.getS32Array(byteOffset: Int, out: IntArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - start, littleEndian: Boolean = true): IntArray
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fun Buffer.getS32ArrayBE(byteOffset: Int, size: Int): IntArray
fun ByteArray.getS32ArrayBE(offset: Int, count: Int): IntArray
fun Buffer.getS32ArrayBE(byteOffset: Int, out: IntArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - start): IntArray
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fun Buffer.getS32ArrayLE(byteOffset: Int, size: Int): IntArray
fun ByteArray.getS32ArrayLE(offset: Int, count: Int): IntArray
fun Buffer.getS32ArrayLE(byteOffset: Int, out: IntArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - start): IntArray
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fun ByteArray.getS32BE(offset: Int): Int
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fun ByteArray.getS32LE(offset: Int): Int
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inline fun Buffer.getS64(byteOffset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean = true): Long
fun ByteArray.getS64(offset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean): Long
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fun Buffer.getS64Array(byteOffset: Int, size: Int, littleEndian: Boolean = true): LongArray
fun ByteArray.getS64Array(offset: Int, count: Int, littleEndian: Boolean): LongArray
fun Buffer.getS64Array(byteOffset: Int, out: LongArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - start, littleEndian: Boolean = true): LongArray
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fun Buffer.getS64ArrayBE(byteOffset: Int, size: Int): LongArray
fun ByteArray.getS64ArrayBE(offset: Int, count: Int): LongArray
fun Buffer.getS64ArrayBE(byteOffset: Int, out: LongArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - start): LongArray
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fun Buffer.getS64ArrayLE(byteOffset: Int, size: Int): LongArray
fun ByteArray.getS64ArrayLE(offset: Int, count: Int): LongArray
fun Buffer.getS64ArrayLE(byteOffset: Int, out: LongArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - start): LongArray
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fun ByteArray.getS64BE(offset: Int): Long
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fun ByteArray.getS64LE(offset: Int): Long
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fun ByteArray.getS8(offset: Int): Int
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fun Buffer.getS8Array(byteOffset: Int, size: Int): ByteArray
fun ByteArray.getS8Array(offset: Int, count: Int): ByteArray
fun Buffer.getS8Array(byteOffset: Int, out: ByteArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - start): ByteArray
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inline fun Buffer.getU16(byteOffset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean = true): Int
fun ByteArray.getU16(offset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean): Int
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fun ByteArray.getU16Array(offset: Int, count: Int, littleEndian: Boolean): CharArray
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fun ByteArray.getU16ArrayBE(offset: Int, count: Int): CharArray
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fun ByteArray.getU16ArrayLE(offset: Int, count: Int): CharArray
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fun Buffer.getU16BE(byteOffset: Int): Int
fun ByteArray.getU16BE(offset: Int): Int
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fun Buffer.getU16LE(byteOffset: Int): Int
fun ByteArray.getU16LE(offset: Int): Int
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fun ByteArray.getU24(offset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean): Int
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fun ByteArray.getU24BE(offset: Int): Int
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fun ByteArray.getU24LE(offset: Int): Int
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inline fun Buffer.getU32(byteOffset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean = true): Long
fun ByteArray.getU32(offset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean): Long
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fun Buffer.getU32BE(byteOffset: Int): Long
fun ByteArray.getU32BE(offset: Int): Long
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fun Buffer.getU32LE(byteOffset: Int): Long
fun ByteArray.getU32LE(offset: Int): Long
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fun Buffer.getU8(byteOffset: Int): Int
fun ByteArray.getU8(offset: Int): Int
inline fun Buffer.getU8(byteOffset: Int, littleEndian: Boolean = true): Int
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fun Buffer.getUInt16(index: Int): Int
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fun Buffer.getUInt8(index: Int): Int
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fun Buffer.getUnalignedArrayFloat32(byteOffset: Int, out: FloatArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - offset): FloatArray
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fun Buffer.getUnalignedArrayFloat64(byteOffset: Int, out: DoubleArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - offset): DoubleArray
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fun Buffer.getUnalignedArrayInt16(byteOffset: Int, out: ShortArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - offset): ShortArray
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fun Buffer.getUnalignedArrayInt32(byteOffset: Int, out: IntArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - offset): IntArray
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fun Buffer.getUnalignedArrayInt64(byteOffset: Int, out: LongArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - offset): LongArray
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fun Buffer.getUnalignedArrayInt8(byteOffset: Int, out: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = out.size - offset): ByteArray
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fun Buffer.getUnalignedInt16(byteOffset: Int): Short
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fun Buffer.getUnalignedInt32(byteOffset: Int): Int
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fun Buffer.getUnalignedInt64(byteOffset: Int): Long
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fun Buffer.getUnalignedInt8(byteOffset: Int): Byte
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fun Buffer.getUnalignedUInt16(byteOffset: Int): Int
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fun Buffer.getUnalignedUInt8(byteOffset: Int): Int
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infix fun Int.hasBits(bits: Int): Boolean
infix fun Long.hasBits(bits: Long): Boolean
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infix fun Int.hasBitSet(index: Int): Boolean

Check if a specific bit at index is set

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infix fun Int.hasFlags(bits: Int): Boolean

Check if this has all the bits set in bits set

infix fun Long.hasFlags(bits: Long): Boolean
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fun <T> Array<T>.indexOf(sub: Array<T>, starting: Int = 0): Int
fun BooleanArray.indexOf(sub: BooleanArray, starting: Int = 0): Int
fun ByteArray.indexOf(sub: ByteArray, starting: Int = 0): Int
fun CharArray.indexOf(sub: CharArray, starting: Int = 0): Int
fun DoubleArray.indexOf(sub: DoubleArray, starting: Int = 0): Int
fun FloatArray.indexOf(sub: FloatArray, starting: Int = 0): Int
fun IntArray.indexOf(sub: IntArray, starting: Int = 0): Int
fun LongArray.indexOf(sub: LongArray, starting: Int = 0): Int
fun ShortArray.indexOf(sub: ShortArray, starting: Int = 0): Int
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fun Int.insert(value: Boolean, offset: Int): Int

Replaces 1 bit at offset with value and returns the result of doing such replacement

fun Int.insert(value: Int, offset: Int, count: Int): Int

Replaces this bits from offset to offset+count with value and returns the result of doing such replacement

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fun Int.insert1(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.insert10(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.insert11(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.insert12(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.insert13(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.insert14(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.insert15(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.insert16(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.insert2(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.insert24(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.insert3(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.insert4(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.insert5(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.insert6(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.insert7(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.insert8(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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fun Int.insert9(value: Int, offset: Int): Int
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inline fun Int.insertMask(value: Int, offset: Int, mask: Int): Int
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fun Int.insertScaled(value: Int, offset: Int, count: Int, scale: Int): Int
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fun Int.insertScaledf01(value: Float, offset: Int, count: Int): Int

Extracts count at offset from this and convert the possible values into the range 0.0..1.0

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fun Int.insertScaledFF(value: Int, offset: Int, count: Int): Int
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fun <T> Array<T>.lastIndexOf(sub: Array<T>, starting: Int = 0): Int
fun BooleanArray.lastIndexOf(sub: BooleanArray, starting: Int = 0): Int
fun ByteArray.lastIndexOf(sub: ByteArray, starting: Int = 0): Int
fun CharArray.lastIndexOf(sub: CharArray, starting: Int = 0): Int
fun DoubleArray.lastIndexOf(sub: DoubleArray, starting: Int = 0): Int
fun FloatArray.lastIndexOf(sub: FloatArray, starting: Int = 0): Int
fun IntArray.lastIndexOf(sub: IntArray, starting: Int = 0): Int
fun LongArray.lastIndexOf(sub: LongArray, starting: Int = 0): Int
fun ShortArray.lastIndexOf(sub: ShortArray, starting: Int = 0): Int
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fun <Error class: unknown class>.limitSafe(newLimit: Int)
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fun Int.mask(): Int

Creates an Int with this bits set to 1

fun Long.mask(): Long

Creates a Long with this bits set to 1

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fun <Error class: unknown class>.positionSafe(newPosition: Int)
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fun <T> Int = 0, size: Int = this.size, callback: ByteArrayReader.() -> T): T
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fun <T> ByteArray.readBE(offset: Int = 0, size: Int = this.size, callback: ByteArrayReaderBE.() -> T): T
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fun ByteArray.readCharArray(o: Int, count: Int, little: Boolean): CharArray
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fun ByteArray.reader(offset: Int = 0, size: Int = this.size): ByteArrayReader
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fun ByteArray.readerBE(offset: Int = 0, size: Int = this.size): ByteArrayReaderBE
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fun ByteArray.readerLE(offset: Int = 0, size: Int = this.size): ByteArrayReaderLE
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fun ByteArray.readF16(o: Int, little: Boolean): Half
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fun ByteArray.readF32(o: Int, little: Boolean): Float
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fun ByteArray.readF64(o: Int, little: Boolean): Double
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fun ByteArray.readFloatArray(o: Int, count: Int, little: Boolean): FloatArray
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fun ByteArray.readIntArray(o: Int, count: Int, little: Boolean): IntArray
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fun <T> ByteArray.readLE(offset: Int = 0, size: Int = this.size, callback: ByteArrayReaderLE.() -> T): T
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fun ByteArray.readLongArray(o: Int, count: Int, little: Boolean): LongArray
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fun ByteArray.readS16(o: Int, little: Boolean): Int
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fun ByteArray.readS24(o: Int, little: Boolean): Int
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fun ByteArray.readS32(o: Int, little: Boolean): Int
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fun ByteArray.readS64(o: Int, little: Boolean): Long
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fun ByteArray.readShortArray(o: Int, count: Int, little: Boolean): ShortArray
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fun ByteArray.readU16(o: Int, little: Boolean): Int
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fun ByteArray.readU24(o: Int, little: Boolean): Int
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fun ByteArray.readU32(o: Int, little: Boolean): Long
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Returns the float representation of this memory bits

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Returns the float representation of this memory bits

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inline fun Float.reinterpretAsInt(): Int

Returns the bits in memory of this float

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Returns the bits in memory of this float

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Reverse the bits of this Int: abcdef...z -> z...fedcba

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Reverses the bytes of this: AABB -> BBAA

Reverses the bytes of this: AABBCCDD -> DDCCBBAA


Reverses the bytes of this: AABB -> BBAA

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fun Int.rotateLeft(bits: Int): Int
fun Long.rotateLeft(bits: Int): Long
fun UInt.rotateLeft(bits: Int): UInt

Rotates this bits to the left

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fun Int.rotateRight(bits: Int): Int
fun Long.rotateRight(bits: Int): Long
fun UInt.rotateRight(bits: Int): UInt

Rotates this bits to the right

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inline fun Buffer.set16(byteOffset: Int, value: Short, littleEndian: Boolean = true)
fun ByteArray.set16(offset: Int, value: Int, littleEndian: Boolean)
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fun ByteArray.set16BE(offset: Int, value: Int)
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fun Buffer.set16BEClamped(byteOffset: Int, value: Int)
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inline fun Buffer.set16Clamped(byteOffset: Int, value: Int, littleEndian: Boolean = true)
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fun ByteArray.set16LE(offset: Int, value: Int)
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fun Buffer.set16LEClamped(byteOffset: Int, value: Int)
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fun ByteArray.set24(offset: Int, value: Int, littleEndian: Boolean)
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fun ByteArray.set24BE(offset: Int, value: Int)
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fun ByteArray.set24LE(offset: Int, value: Int)
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inline fun Buffer.set32(byteOffset: Int, value: Int, littleEndian: Boolean = true)
fun ByteArray.set32(offset: Int, value: Int, littleEndian: Boolean)
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fun ByteArray.set32BE(offset: Int, value: Int)
fun ByteArray.set32BE(offset: Int, value: Long)
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fun ByteArray.set32LE(offset: Int, value: Int)
fun ByteArray.set32LE(offset: Int, value: Long)
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inline fun Buffer.set64(byteOffset: Int, value: Long, littleEndian: Boolean = true)
fun ByteArray.set64(offset: Int, value: Long, littleEndian: Boolean)
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fun ByteArray.set64BE(offset: Int, value: Long)
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fun ByteArray.set64LE(offset: Int, value: Long)
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fun ByteArray.set8(offset: Int, value: Int)
fun ByteArray.set8(offset: Int, value: Long)
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fun Buffer.set8Clamped(byteOffset: Int, value: Int)
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fun ByteArray.setArray(offset: Int, bytes: ByteArray)
fun Buffer.setArray(byteOffset: Int, data: ByteArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = data.size - start)
fun Buffer.setArray(byteOffset: Int, data: DoubleArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = data.size - start, littleEndian: Boolean = true)
fun Buffer.setArray(byteOffset: Int, data: FloatArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = data.size - start, littleEndian: Boolean = true)
fun Buffer.setArray(byteOffset: Int, data: IntArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = data.size - start, littleEndian: Boolean = true)
fun Buffer.setArray(byteOffset: Int, data: LongArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = data.size - start, littleEndian: Boolean = true)
fun Buffer.setArray(byteOffset: Int, data: ShortArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = data.size - start, littleEndian: Boolean = true)
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fun ByteArray.setArrayBE(offset: Int, array: CharArray)
fun ByteArray.setArrayBE(offset: Int, array: DoubleArray)
fun ByteArray.setArrayBE(offset: Int, array: FloatArray)
fun ByteArray.setArrayBE(offset: Int, array: IntArray)
fun ByteArray.setArrayBE(offset: Int, array: LongArray)
fun ByteArray.setArrayBE(offset: Int, array: ShortArray)
fun Buffer.setArrayBE(byteOffset: Int, data: DoubleArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = data.size - start)
fun Buffer.setArrayBE(byteOffset: Int, data: FloatArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = data.size - start)
fun Buffer.setArrayBE(byteOffset: Int, data: IntArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = data.size - start)
fun Buffer.setArrayBE(byteOffset: Int, data: LongArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = data.size - start)
fun Buffer.setArrayBE(byteOffset: Int, data: ShortArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = data.size - start)
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fun Buffer.setArrayFloat32(index: Int, inp: FloatArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = inp.size - offset)
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fun Buffer.setArrayFloat64(index: Int, inp: DoubleArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = inp.size - offset)
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fun Buffer.setArrayInt16(index: Int, inp: ShortArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = inp.size - offset)
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fun Buffer.setArrayInt32(index: Int, inp: IntArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = inp.size - offset)
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fun Buffer.setArrayInt64(index: Int, inp: LongArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = inp.size - offset)
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fun Buffer.setArrayInt8(index: Int, inp: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = inp.size - offset)
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fun ByteArray.setArrayLE(offset: Int, array: CharArray)
fun ByteArray.setArrayLE(offset: Int, array: DoubleArray)
fun ByteArray.setArrayLE(offset: Int, array: FloatArray)
fun ByteArray.setArrayLE(offset: Int, array: IntArray)
fun ByteArray.setArrayLE(offset: Int, array: LongArray)
fun ByteArray.setArrayLE(offset: Int, array: ShortArray)
fun Buffer.setArrayLE(byteOffset: Int, data: DoubleArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = data.size - start)
fun Buffer.setArrayLE(byteOffset: Int, data: FloatArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = data.size - start)
fun Buffer.setArrayLE(byteOffset: Int, data: IntArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = data.size - start)
fun Buffer.setArrayLE(byteOffset: Int, data: LongArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = data.size - start)
fun Buffer.setArrayLE(byteOffset: Int, data: ShortArray, start: Int = 0, size: Int = data.size - start)
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fun Buffer.setArrayUInt16(index: Int, inp: UShortArrayInt, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = inp.size - offset)
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fun Buffer.setArrayUInt8(index: Int, inp: UByteArrayInt, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = inp.size - offset)
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fun Int.setBits(bits: Int): Int

Returns the integer this with the bits set

fun Int.setBits(bits: Int, set: Boolean): Int

Returns the integer this with the bits set or unset depending on the set parameter

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fun ByteArray.setBytes(offset: Int, bytes: ByteArray)
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fun ByteArray.setF16(offset: Int, value: Half, littleEndian: Boolean)
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fun ByteArray.setF16BE(offset: Int, value: Half)
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fun ByteArray.setF16LE(offset: Int, value: Half)
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inline fun Buffer.setF32(byteOffset: Int, value: Float, littleEndian: Boolean = true)
fun ByteArray.setF32(offset: Int, value: Float, littleEndian: Boolean)
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fun ByteArray.setF32BE(offset: Int, value: Float)
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fun ByteArray.setF32LE(offset: Int, value: Float)
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inline fun Buffer.setF64(byteOffset: Int, value: Double, littleEndian: Boolean = true)
fun ByteArray.setF64(offset: Int, value: Double, littleEndian: Boolean)
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fun ByteArray.setF64BE(offset: Int, value: Double)
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fun ByteArray.setF64LE(offset: Int, value: Double)
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fun Buffer.setFloat32(index: Int, value: Float)
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fun Buffer.setFloat64(index: Int, value: Double)
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fun Buffer.setInt16(index: Int, value: Short)
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fun Buffer.setInt32(index: Int, value: Int)
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fun Buffer.setInt64(index: Int, value: Long)
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fun Buffer.setInt8(index: Int, value: Byte)
fun Buffer.setInt8(index: Int, value: Int)
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fun Buffer.setUInt16(index: Int, value: Int)
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fun Buffer.setUInt8(index: Int, value: Int)
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fun Buffer.setUInt8Clamped(index: Int, value: Int)
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fun Buffer.setUnalignedArrayFloat32(byteOffset: Int, inp: FloatArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = inp.size - offset)
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fun Buffer.setUnalignedArrayFloat64(byteOffset: Int, inp: DoubleArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = inp.size - offset)
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fun Buffer.setUnalignedArrayInt16(byteOffset: Int, inp: ShortArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = inp.size - offset)
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fun Buffer.setUnalignedArrayInt32(byteOffset: Int, inp: IntArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = inp.size - offset)
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fun Buffer.setUnalignedArrayInt64(byteOffset: Int, inp: LongArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = inp.size - offset)
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fun Buffer.setUnalignedArrayInt8(byteOffset: Int, inp: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, size: Int = inp.size - offset)
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fun Buffer.setUnalignedFloat32(byteOffset: Int, value: Float)
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fun Buffer.setUnalignedFloat64(byteOffset: Int, value: Double)
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fun Buffer.setUnalignedInt16(byteOffset: Int, value: Short)
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fun Buffer.setUnalignedInt32(byteOffset: Int, value: Int)
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fun Buffer.setUnalignedInt64(byteOffset: Int, value: Long)
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fun Buffer.setUnalignedInt8(byteOffset: Int, value: Byte)
fun Buffer.setUnalignedInt8(byteOffset: Int, value: Int)
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fun Buffer.setUnalignedUInt16(byteOffset: Int, value: Int)
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fun Buffer.setUnalignedUInt8(byteOffset: Int, value: Int)
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fun Buffer.setUnalignedUInt8Clamped(byteOffset: Int, value: Int)
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fun Int.signExtend(bits: Int): Int

Takes nbits of this, and extends the last bit, creating a plain Int in one's complement

fun Long.signExtend(bits: Int): Long

Takes nbits of this, and extends the last bit, creating a plain Long in one's complement

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fun Buffer.sliceBuffer(start: Int = 0, end: Int = sizeInBytes): Buffer
fun <Error class: unknown class>.sliceBuffer(offset: Int, size: Int): <Error class: unknown class>
fun <Error class: unknown class>.sliceBuffer(offset: Int, size: Int): <Error class: unknown class>
fun <Error class: unknown class>.sliceBuffer(offset: Int, size: Int): <Error class: unknown class>
fun <Error class: unknown class>.sliceBuffer(offset: Int, size: Int): <Error class: unknown class>
fun <Error class: unknown class>.sliceBuffer(offset: Int, size: Int): <Error class: unknown class>
inline fun <T> T.sliceBuffer(offset: Int, size: Int, dup: (T) -> T): T
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fun Buffer.sliceWithSize(start: Int, size: Int): Buffer
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fun ubyteArrayIntOf(vararg values: Int): UByteArrayInt
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fun Int.unsetBits(bits: Int): Int

Returns the integer this without the bits set

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fun ushortArrayIntOf(vararg values: Int): UShortArrayInt
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fun Int.with(bits: Int): Int
fun Long.with(bits: Long): Long
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fun Int.without(bits: Int): Int
fun Long.without(bits: Long): Long
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fun ByteArray.write16(o: Int, v: Int, little: Boolean)
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fun ByteArray.write24(o: Int, v: Int, little: Boolean)
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fun ByteArray.write32(o: Int, v: Int, little: Boolean)
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fun ByteArray.write64(o: Int, v: Long, little: Boolean)
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fun ByteArray.write8(o: Int, v: Int)
fun ByteArray.write8(o: Int, v: Long)
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fun ByteArray.writeF16(o: Int, v: Half, little: Boolean)
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fun ByteArray.writeF32(o: Int, v: Float, little: Boolean)
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fun ByteArray.writeF64(o: Int, v: Double, little: Boolean)
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