
value class Year(val year: Int) : Comparable<Year> , Serializable

Represents a Year in a typed way.

A year is a set of 365 days or 366 for leap years. It is the time it takes the earth to fully orbit the sun.

The integrated model is capable of determine if a year is leap for years 1 until 9999 inclusive.


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constructor(year: Int)


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object Companion


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val days: Int

Total days of this year, 365 (non leap) DAYS_COMMON or 366 (leap) DAYS_LEAP.

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Number of days since year 1 to reach this year

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Determines if this year is leap. The model works for years between 1..9999. Outside this range, the result might be invalid.

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Determines if this year is leap checking that the year is between 1..9999 or throwing a DateException when outside that range.

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Number of leap years since the year 1 (without including this one)

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val year: Int


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open operator override fun compareTo(other: Year): Int

Compares two years.

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fun Year.first(dayOfWeek: DayOfWeek): DateTime
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operator fun minus(other: Year): Int
operator fun minus(delta: Int): Year
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operator fun plus(delta: Int): Year
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Creates a YearMonth representing this year and this month.