Package-level declarations
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@Structure.FieldOrder(value = ["bV5Size", "bV5Width", "bV5Height", "bV5Planes", "bV5BitCount", "bV5Compression", "bV5SizeImage", "bV5XPelsPerMeter", "bV5YPelsPerMeter", "bV5ClrUsed", "bV5ClrImportant", "bV5RedMask", "bV5GreenMask", "bV5BlueMask", "bV5AlphaMask", "bV5CSType", "bV5Endpoints", "bV5GammaRed", "bV5GammaGreen", "bV5GammaBlue", "bV5Intent", "bV5ProfileData", "bV5ProfileSize", "bV5Reserved"] )
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@Structure.FieldOrder(value = ["ciexyzRed", "ciexyzGreen", "ciexyzBlue"] )
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class Win32OpenglContext(val gwconfig: GameWindowConfig, val hWnd: WinDef.HWND, val hDC: WinDef.HDC, val doubleBuffered: Boolean = false, val component: Component? = null) : BaseOpenglContext
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object Win32OpenglLoader