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object Companion
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data class Endpoint(val ip: NativeSocket.IP, val port: Int)
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class IP(val data: UByteArray)


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fun bind(host: String, port: Int, backlog: Int = 10)
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fun close()
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fun connect(host: String, port: Int)
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fun recv(count: Int): ByteArray
fun recv(data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, count: Int = data.size - offset): Int
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fun send(data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, count: Int = data.size - offset)
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fun CPointer<sockaddr_in>.set(ip: NativeSocket.IP, port: Int)
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suspend fun NativeSocket.suspendRecvExact(data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, count: Int = data.size - offset): Int
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suspend fun NativeSocket.suspendRecvUpTo(data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, count: Int = data.size - offset): Int
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suspend fun NativeSocket.suspendSend(data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, count: Int = data.size - offset)
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open override fun toString(): String
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fun tryRecv(count: Int): ByteArray?
fun tryRecv(data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, count: Int = data.size - offset): Int