Port of the operations of the library Bezier.JS with some adjustments, Original library created by Pomax: Based on algorithms described here:
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data class ProjectedPoint(var p: Point = Point(), var t: Ratio = Ratio.ZERO, var dSq: Double = 0.0) : IsAlmostEquals<Bezier.ProjectedPoint>
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fun Curve.getEquidistantPoints(count: Int = this.recommendedDivisions(), out: PointArrayList = PointArrayList()): PointList
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Returns the t values where the curve changes its sign
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This function creates a new curve, offset along the curve normals, at distance d. Note that deep magic lies here and the offset curve of a Bézier curve cannot ever be another Bézier curve.
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fun project(point: Point, out: Bezier.ProjectedPoint = Bezier.ProjectedPoint()): Bezier.ProjectedPoint
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Scales a curve with respect to the intersection between the end point normals at a d distance.
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fun selfIntersections(threshold: Double = 0.5, out: DoubleArrayList = DoubleArrayList()): DoubleArrayList
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Gets a list of isSimple bezier sub bezier curves.
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