
class Bitmap32(val width: Int, val height: Int, val ints: IntArray = IntArray(width * height), premultiplied: Boolean = true) : Bitmap, Iterable<RGBA>


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constructor(width: Int, height: Int, value: RGBA)
constructor(width: Int, height: Int, value: RgbaArray)
constructor(width: Int, height: Int, generator: (x: Int, y: Int) -> RGBA)
constructor(width: Int, height: Int, ints: IntArray = IntArray(width * height), premultiplied: Boolean = true)


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object Companion


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val area: Int
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val bpp: Int
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Version of the content. lock+unlock mutates this version to allow for example to re-upload the bitmap to the GPU when synchronizing bitmaps into textures

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open override var extra: ExtraType
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val height: Int
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Specifies whether mipmaps should be created for this Bitmap

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open override val size: SizeInt
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val stride: Int
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val width: Int


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fun _draw(src: BmpSlice32, dx: Int = 0, dy: Int = 0, mix: Boolean)
fun _draw(src: Bitmap32, dx: Int, dy: Int, sleft: Int, stop: Int, sright: Int, sbottom: Int, mix: Boolean)
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fun _drawPut(mix: Boolean, other: Bitmap32, _dx: Int = 0, _dy: Int = 0)
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fun _drawUnchecked(src: Bitmap32, dx: Int, dy: Int, sleft: Int, stop: Int, sright: Int, sbottom: Int, mix: Boolean)
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inline fun all(callback: (RGBA) -> Boolean): Boolean
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inline fun any(callback: (RGBA) -> Boolean): Boolean
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fun applyColorMatrix(matrix: Matrix4, x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0, width: Int = this.width - x, height: Int = this.height - y)
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fun applyColorTransform(ct: ColorTransform, x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0, width: Int = this.width - x, height: Int = this.height - y)
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fun Bitmap.asNinePatchSimple(left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int): NinePatchBmpSlice
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fun Bitmap32.border(r: Int, color: RGBA = Colors.BLACK): Bitmap32
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fun Bitmap32.borderInline(r: Int, color: RGBA = Colors.BLACK)
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fun Iterable<Cancellable>.cancel(e: Throwable = CancellationException(""))
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fun clampWidth(x: Int): Int
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fun clampX(x: Int): Int
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fun clampY(y: Int): Int
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open override fun clone(): Bitmap32
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open override fun contentEquals(other: Bitmap): Boolean
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open override fun contentHashCode(): Int
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fun copy(srcX: Int, srcY: Int, dst: Bitmap, dstX: Int, dstY: Int, width: Int, height: Int)
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fun copySliceWithBounds(left: Int, top: Int, right: Int, bottom: Int): Bitmap32
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fun copySliceWithSize(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int): Bitmap32
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fun copyTo(other: Bitmap32): Bitmap32
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open override fun copyUnchecked(srcX: Int, srcY: Int, dst: Bitmap, dstX: Int, dstY: Int, width: Int, height: Int)
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open override fun createWithThisFormat(width: Int, height: Int): Bitmap
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fun Bitmap.distanceMap(out: DistanceBitmap = DistanceBitmap(width, height), thresold: Double = 0.5): DistanceBitmap
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fun draw(src: Bitmap32, dx: Int = 0, dy: Int = 0)
fun draw(src: BmpSlice32, dx: Int = 0, dy: Int = 0)
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fun drawPixelMixed(x: Int, y: Int, c: RGBA)
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fun Bitmap32.drawText(font: BitmapFont, str: String, pos: Point = Point.ZERO, color: RGBA = Colors.WHITE, size: Double = font.fontSize, alignment: TextAlignment = TextAlignment.TOP_LEFT): Bitmap32
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fun drawUnoptimized(src: BmpSlice, dx: Int = 0, dy: Int = 0, mix: Boolean = true)
fun drawUnoptimized(src: Bitmap, dx: Int, dy: Int, sleft: Int, stop: Int, sright: Int, sbottom: Int, mix: Boolean)
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fun Bitmap32.dropShadow(x: Int, y: Int, r: Int, color: RGBA = Colors.BLACK): Bitmap32
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fun Bitmap32.dropShadowInplace(x: Int, y: Int, r: Int, color: RGBA = Colors.BLACK): Bitmap32
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suspend fun Bitmap.encode(formats: ImageFormat = RegisteredImageFormats, props: ImageEncodingProps = ImageEncodingProps()): ByteArray
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inline suspend fun <T> Iterable<Signal<T>>.executeAndWaitAnySignal(callback: () -> Unit): Pair<Signal<T>, T>
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fun Bitmap32.expandBorder(areaTop: Int, areaLeft: Int, areaBottom: Int, areaRight: Int, border: Int)
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fun extractBytes(format: ColorFormat = RGBA): ByteArray
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fun extractChannel(channel: BitmapChannel, out: Bitmap8 = Bitmap8(width, height)): Bitmap8
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fun fill(color: RGBA, x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0, width: Int = this.width - x, height: Int = this.height - y)
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open fun flipX(): Bitmap

Inplace flips

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open fun flipY(): Bitmap
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inline fun forEach(sx: Int = 0, sy: Int = 0, width: Int = this.width - sx, height: Int = this.height - sy, callback: (n: Int, x: Int, y: Int) -> Unit)
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operator fun get(x: Int, y: Int): RGBA
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inline fun <T> Iterable<Vfs.Attribute>.get(): T?
operator fun Iterable<Xml>.get(name: String): Iterable<Xml>
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open override fun getContext2d(antialiasing: Boolean): Context2d
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open override fun getInt(x: Int, y: Int): Int

UNSAFE: Gets the color in the x, y coordinates in the internal format of this Bitmap

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open override fun getRgba(x: Int, y: Int): RGBA

Gets the color v in the x, y coordinates in RGBA non-premultiplied

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fun getRgbaClamped(x: Int, y: Int): RGBA
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open override fun getRgbaPremultiplied(x: Int, y: Int): RGBAPremultiplied

Gets the color v in the x, y coordinates in RGBAPremultiplied

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open override fun getRgbaRaw(x: Int, y: Int): RGBA

UNSAFE: Gets the color v in the x, y coordinates in the internal format of this Bitmap (either premultiplied or not)

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fun getRgbaSampled(x: Float, y: Float, count: Int, row: RgbaArray)
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fun Bitmap32.glow(r: Int, color: RGBA = Colors.BLACK): Bitmap32
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fun Bitmap32.glowInplace(r: Int, color: RGBA = Colors.BLACK): Bitmap32
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fun historiogram(channel: BitmapChannel, out: IntArray = IntArray(256)): IntArray
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fun inBounds(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean
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fun index(x: Int, y: Int): Int
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fun inside(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean
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fun invert()
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fun inverted(target: Bitmap32 = Bitmap32(width, height, this.premultiplied)): Bitmap32
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open operator override fun iterator(): Iterator<RGBA>
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open fun lock()
inline fun lock(rect: RectangleInt = this.rect, doLock: Boolean = true, block: () -> Unit): Int
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fun mipmap(levels: Int): Bitmap32
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fun oriented(orientation: ImageOrientation): Bitmap
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fun Bitmap32.posterize(nbits: Int = 4): Bitmap32
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fun put(src: Bitmap32, dx: Int = 0, dy: Int = 0)
fun put(src: BmpSlice32, dx: Int = 0, dy: Int = 0)
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fun Bitmap.putSliceWithBorder(x: Int, y: Int, bmp: BmpSlice, border: Int = 1)
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open fun readPixelsUnsafe(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, out: IntArray, offset: Int = 0)
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fun Bitmap.readPixelsUnsafe(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int): IntArray
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fun Bitmap.resized(out: Bitmap, scale: ScaleMode, anchor: Anchor): Bitmap
fun Bitmap.resized(width: Int, height: Int, scale: ScaleMode, anchor: Anchor, native: Boolean = true): Bitmap
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fun Bitmap.resizedUpTo(width: Int, height: Int, native: Boolean = true): Bitmap
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fun rotated(rotation: ImageRotation): Bitmap
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fun scaled(width: Int, height: Int, smooth: Boolean = true): Bitmap32

Creates a new Bitmap32 with the specified new dimensions widthxheight scaling the original content. The smooth parameter determines the quality of the interpolation. smooth=false will use a nearest neighborhood implementation.

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fun scaleLinear(sx: Double, sy: Double = sx): Bitmap32
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fun scaleNearest(sx: Int, sy: Int = sx): Bitmap32
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fun Bitmap.sdf(out: DistanceBitmap = DistanceBitmap(width, height), thresold: Double = 0.5): DistanceBitmap
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operator fun set(x: Int, y: Int, color: RGBA)
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fun Bitmap32.setAlpha(value: Int)
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inline fun setEach(sx: Int = 0, sy: Int = 0, width: Int = this.width - sx, height: Int = this.height - sy, callback: (x: Int, y: Int) -> RGBA)
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inline fun setEachPremultiplied(sx: Int = 0, sy: Int = 0, width: Int = this.width - sx, height: Int = this.height - sy, callback: (x: Int, y: Int) -> RGBAPremultiplied)
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open override fun setInt(x: Int, y: Int, color: Int)

UNSAFE: Sets the color color in the x, y coordinates in the internal format of this Bitmap

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open override fun setRgba(x: Int, y: Int, v: RGBA)

Sets the color v in the x, y coordinates in RGBA non-premultiplied

open override fun setRgba(x: Int, y: Int, v: RGBAPremultiplied)

Sets the color v in the x, y coordinates in RGBAPremultiplied

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fun setRgbaAtIndex(n: Int, color: RGBA)
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open override fun setRgbaRaw(x: Int, y: Int, v: RGBA)

UNSAFE: Sets the color v in the x, y coordinates in the internal format of this Bitmap (either premultiplied or not)

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fun setRow(y: Int, row: IntArray)
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fun setRowChunk(x: Int, y: Int, data: RgbaArray, width: Int, increment: Int)
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suspend fun Bitmap.showImageAndWait(kind: Int = 0)
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fun Iterable<Xml>.str(name: String, defaultValue: String = ""): String
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open fun swapColumns(x0: Int, x1: Int)
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open override fun swapRows(y0: Int, y1: Int)
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fun Bitmap.toAwt(out: BufferedImage = BufferedImage( width.coerceAtLeast(1), height.coerceAtLeast(1), if (this.premultiplied) BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE else BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB )): BufferedImage
fun Bitmap32.toAwt(out: BufferedImage = BufferedImage( width.coerceAtLeast(1), height.coerceAtLeast(1), if (this.premultiplied) BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB_PRE else BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB )): BufferedImage
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inline fun Bitmap32.toBitmap1(): Bitmap1
inline fun Bitmap32.toBitmap1(func: (value: RGBA) -> Boolean): Bitmap1
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open override fun toBMP32(): Bitmap32
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fun Bitmap32.toCGImage(): CGImageRef?
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suspend fun <T> Iterable<T>.toChannel(): ReceiveChannel<T>
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fun Bitmap.toFloatBMP32(out: FloatBitmap32 = FloatBitmap32(width, height, premultiplied = premultiplied)): FloatBitmap32
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fun Bitmap.toPaint(transform: Matrix = Matrix.IDENTITY, cycleX: CycleMethod = CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE, cycleY: CycleMethod = CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE, smooth: Boolean = true, units: GradientUnits = GradientUnits.OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX): BitmapPaint
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open override fun toString(): String
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fun Bitmap.toUIImage(): UIImage
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inline fun Bitmap.trace(): VectorPath
inline fun Bitmap32.trace(): VectorPath
inline fun Bitmap.trace(func: (RGBA) -> Boolean): VectorPath
inline fun Bitmap32.trace(func: (RGBA) -> Boolean): VectorPath
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open fun transposed(): Bitmap

Creates a new bitmap with the rows and columns transposed

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open fun unlock(rect: RectangleInt = this.rect): Int
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inline fun updateColors(sx: Int = 0, sy: Int = 0, width: Int = this.width - sx, height: Int = this.height - sy, callback: (rgba: RGBA) -> RGBA)
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inline fun updateColorsXY(sx: Int = 0, sy: Int = 0, width: Int = this.width - sx, height: Int = this.height - sy, callback: (x: Int, y: Int, rgba: RGBA) -> RGBA)
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suspend fun Iterable<Signal<*>>.waitOne(): Any?
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fun withColorTransform(ct: ColorTransform, x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0, width: Int = this.width - x, height: Int = this.height - y): Bitmap32
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fun writeChannel(destination: BitmapChannel, input: Bitmap8)
fun writeChannel(destination: BitmapChannel, input: Bitmap32, source: BitmapChannel)
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fun writeDecoded(color: ColorFormat, data: ByteArray, offset: Int = 0, littleEndian: Boolean = true): Bitmap32
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open fun writePixelsUnsafe(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, out: IntArray, offset: Int = 0)
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suspend fun Bitmap.writeTo(file: VfsFile, formats: ImageFormat = RegisteredImageFormats, props: ImageEncodingProps = ImageEncodingProps()): Long
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fun xor(value: RGBA)
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fun xored(value: RGBA, target: Bitmap32 = Bitmap32(width, height, this.premultiplied)): Bitmap32
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