
class RenderContext(val ag: AG, val bp: BoundsProvider = BoundsProvider.Base(), val deviceDimensionsProvider: DeviceDimensionsProvider = (bp as? DeviceDimensionsProvider?) ?: DeviceDimensionsProvider.DEFAULT, val stats: Stats = Stats(), val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, val batchMaxQuads: Int = BatchBuilder2D.DEFAULT_BATCH_QUADS, val windowConfig: GameWindowConfig = GameWindowConfig.Impl()) : Extra, BoundsProvider, AGFeatures, DeviceDimensionsProvider, Closeable

A context that allows to render objects.

The RenderContext contains the ag (Accelerated Graphics), that allow to render triangles and other primitives to the current render buffer.

When doing 2D, you should usually use the batch to buffer vertices, so they can be rendered at once when flushing.

If you plan to do a custom drawing using ag directly, you should call flush, so all the pending vertices are rendered.

If you want to perform drawing using a context allowing non-precomputed transformations you can use ctx2d.

If you need to get textures from Bitmap that are allocated and deallocated as required preventing leaks, you should use getTex.


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constructor(ag: AG, bp: BoundsProvider = BoundsProvider.Base(), deviceDimensionsProvider: DeviceDimensionsProvider = (bp as? DeviceDimensionsProvider?) ?: DeviceDimensionsProvider.DEFAULT, stats: Stats = Stats(), coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext, batchMaxQuads: Int = BatchBuilder2D.DEFAULT_BATCH_QUADS, windowConfig: GameWindowConfig = GameWindowConfig.Impl())


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open override val actualVirtualBottom: Double
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open override var actualVirtualBounds: Rectangle
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open override val actualVirtualHeight: Int
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open override val actualVirtualLeft: Int
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open override val actualVirtualRight: Double
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open override val actualVirtualTop: Int
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open override val actualVirtualWidth: Int
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val ag: AG

The Accelerated Graphics object that allows direct rendering

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open val backHeight: Int
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open val backWidth: Int
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Allows to draw quads, sprites and nine patches using a precomputed global matrix or raw vertices

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open override val computedPixelRatio: Double
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RenderContext2D similar to the one from JS, that keeps a matrix (affine transformation) and allows to draw shapes using the current matrix

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open override val devicePixelRatio: Double
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open override var extra: ExtraType
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Allows to register handlers when the flush method is called

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open override var globalToWindowMatrix: Matrix
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open override val globalToWindowScale: Scale
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open override val globalToWindowScaleAvg: Double
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open override val globalToWindowScaleX: Double
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open override val globalToWindowScaleY: Double
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open override val graphicExtensions: Set<String>
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open override val isFloatTextureSupported: Boolean
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open override val isInstancedSupported: Boolean
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open override val isVertexArraysSupported: Boolean
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Allows to toggle whether stencil-based masks are enabled or not.

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open override val parentFeatures: AGFeatures?
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open override val pixelsPerCm: Double

Approximate on iOS

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open override val pixelsPerInch: Double

Approximate on iOS

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Object storing all the rendering Stats like number of batches, number of vertices etc.

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val views: Views?
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open override val virtualBottom: Double
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open override val virtualLeft: Double
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open override val virtualRight: Double
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open override val virtualTop: Double
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open override var windowToGlobalMatrix: Matrix
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open override val windowToGlobalScale: Scale
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open override val windowToGlobalScaleAvg: Double
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open override val windowToGlobalScaleX: Double
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open override val windowToGlobalScaleY: Double
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inline fun backupTexture(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer, tex: AGTexture?, callback: () -> Unit)
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fun clear(color: RGBA = Colors.TRANSPARENT, depth: Float = 1.0f, stencil: Int = 0, clearColor: Boolean = true, clearDepth: Boolean = true, clearStencil: Boolean = true, scissor: AGScissor = AGScissor.NIL)
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open override fun close()
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inline fun doRender(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer = mainFrameBuffer, block: () -> Unit)
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inline fun doRenderNew(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer = mainFrameBuffer, block: () -> Unit)
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fun drawBitmap(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer, bmp: Bitmap, left: Float = -1f, top: Float = +1f, right: Float = +1f, bottom: Float = -1f)
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fun drawBitmapXY(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer, bmp: Bitmap, x: Int, y: Int, scale: Float = 1.0f)
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fun RenderContext.drawText(font: BitmapFont, textSize: Double, str: String, x: Int, y: Int, m: Matrix = Matrix.IDENTITY, colMul: RGBA = Colors.WHITE, blendMode: BlendMode = BlendMode.INHERIT, filtering: Boolean = true)
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fun drawTexture(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer, tex: AGTexture, left: Float = -1f, top: Float = +1f, right: Float = +1f, bottom: Float = -1f)
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fun finish()

Finishes the drawing and flips the screen. Called by the KorGe engine at the end of the frame.

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fun flush(kind: RenderContext.FlushKind = FlushKind.FULL)

Flushes all the pending renderings. This is called automatically at the end of the frame. You should call this if you plan to render something else not managed via batch, so all the pending vertices are drawn.

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operator fun <T : UniformBlock> get(uniformBlock: T): UniformBlockBuffer<T>
operator fun get(program: Program): AGProgramWithUniforms
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Allocates a Texture.Base from a Bitmap. A Texture.Base doesn't have region information. It is just the whole texture/bitmap.

Temporarily allocates a Texture with its coords from a BmpSlice. Textures are managed (allocated and de-allocated) automatically by the engine as required. The texture coords matches the region in the BmpSlice.

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open override fun globalToWindowBounds(bounds: Rectangle): Rectangle
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open override fun globalToWindowCoords(pos: Point): Point
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fun pushFrameBuffer(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer)
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fun refGcCloseable(closeable: Closeable)

References a closeable for this frame that will be tracked in next frames. If after a period of time, this closeable has not been referenced in between frames, the Closeable.close method will be called so the object can be freed.

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inline fun renderToBitmap(bmp: Bitmap32, hasDepth: Boolean = false, hasStencil: Boolean = false, msamples: Int = 1, useTexture: Boolean = true, callback: () -> Unit): Bitmap32

Sets the render buffer temporarily to bmp and calls the callback render method that should perform all the renderings inside.

inline fun renderToBitmap(width: Int, height: Int, hasDepth: Boolean = false, hasStencil: Boolean = false, msamples: Int = 1, callback: () -> Unit): Bitmap32
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inline fun renderToFrameBuffer(frameBuffer: AGFrameBuffer, clear: Boolean = true, render: (AGFrameBuffer) -> Unit)
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inline fun renderToTexture(width: Int, height: Int, render: (AGFrameBuffer) -> Unit = {}, hasDepth: Boolean = false, hasStencil: Boolean = true, msamples: Int = 1, use: (Texture) -> Unit)

Temporarily sets the render buffer to a temporal texture of the size width and height that can be used later in the use method. First the texture is created, then render method is called once the render buffer is set to the texture, and later the context is restored and the use method is called providing as first argument the rendered Texture. This method is useful for per-frame filters. If you plan to keep the texture data, consider using the renderToBitmap method.

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inline fun renderToTextureInternal(width: Int, height: Int, render: (rb: AGFrameBuffer) -> Unit, hasDepth: Boolean = false, hasStencil: Boolean = false, msamples: Int = 1, use: (tex: AGTexture, texWidth: Int, texHeight: Int) -> Unit)
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fun BoundsProvider.setBoundsInfo(reqVirtualSize: Size, actualSize: Size, scaleMode: ScaleMode = ScaleMode.FILL, anchor: Anchor = Anchor.CENTER, virtualSize: Ref<SizeInt> = Ref(), targetSize: Ref<SizeInt> = Ref())
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inline fun setViewMatrixTemp(matrix: Matrix, crossinline callback: () -> Unit)

Executes callback while setting temporarily the view matrix to matrix

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inline fun tempAllocateFrameBuffer(width: Int, height: Int, hasDepth: Boolean = false, hasStencil: Boolean = true, msamples: Int = 1, block: (rb: AGFrameBuffer) -> Unit)
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inline fun tempAllocateFrameBuffers2(width: Int, height: Int, hasDepth: Boolean = false, hasStencil: Boolean = true, msamples: Int = 1, block: (rb0: AGFrameBuffer, rb1: AGFrameBuffer) -> Unit)
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fun unsafeAllocateFrameBuffer(width: Int, height: Int, hasDepth: Boolean = false, hasStencil: Boolean = true, msamples: Int = 1, onlyThisFrame: Boolean = true): AGFrameBuffer
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inline fun useBatcher(block: (BatchBuilder2D) -> Unit)
inline fun <T> useBatcher(batcher: T, block: (T) -> Unit)
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inline fun useCtx2d(block: (RenderContext2D) -> Unit)
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inline fun RenderContext.useLineBatcher(matrix: Matrix? = null, block: (LineRenderBatcher) -> Unit)
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open override fun windowToGlobalCoords(pos: Point): Point