
inline fun polar(x: Float, y: Float, angle: Angle, length: Float = 1.0f, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Vector2F

Constructs a point from polar coordinates determined by an angle and a length. Angle 0 is pointing to the right, and the direction is counter-clock-wise for up=UP and clock-wise for up=UP_SCREEN

inline fun polar(x: Double, y: Double, angle: Angle, length: Float = 1.0f, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Vector2F
inline fun polar(base: Vector2F, angle: Angle, length: Float = 1.0f, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Vector2F
inline fun polar(angle: Angle, length: Float = 1.0f, up: Vector2D = Vector2D.UP): Vector2F